InsightSoftwareConsortium / ITKRemoteModuleBuildTestPackageAction

A composite GitHub Action to build, test, and package, ITK remote modules
Apache License 2.0
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ENH: Add Python Jupyter Notebook testing procedure #50

Closed tbirdso closed 1 year ago

tbirdso commented 1 year ago

Adds job to build-test-package-python workflow that retrieves a built Linux Python wheel artifact previously output by the workflow and uses it to test Jupyter Notebooks in the examples/ folder of the external module.

For initial implementation only Linux wheels are tested with the Python version fixed at 3.10. To coincide with the Github Actions Linux runner image and machine architecture, only the _2_28-x64 wheel is used.

Depends on #17. Tested in Closes .

EDIT: Note that the ITKSplitComponents test job fails because the ITKSplitComponents example notebook needs to be updated (current kernel is python2). What is important is that the newly built package is correctly installed and the notebook test runs, which is confirmed by looking back through the logs.

dzenanz commented 1 year ago

Looks really cool!