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vmin and vmax viewer properties set color range #723

Closed PaulHax closed 7 months ago

PaulHax commented 7 months ago

I don't know how to wrap get/set of color range with matplotlib like vmin and vmax properties. How to do synchronous wrapping of async Viewer methods?

Goal is something like adding this to Viewer class

    def vmin(self):
        range = self.get_image_color_range()
        return range[0]
    def vmin(self, vmin):
        range = self.get_image_color_range()
        range[0] = vmin
bnmajor commented 7 months ago

Nice! The synchronous wrapping is added with the @fetch_value decorator, and you'll need to make make anything awaiting a network request async:

    async def vmin(self):
        range = await self.get_image_color_range()
        return range[0]
    async def vmin(self, vmin):
        range = await self.get_image_color_range()
        range[0] = value

And just a reminder that if you're providing an example we need to resolve anything requiring a network request in the next cell (for now at least):

viewer.vmin = 10
vmin = viewer.vmin