Insper / ComputacaoEmbarcada

Curso de Computação Embarcada do Insper, Quinto semestre
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Organizando docs-src #10

Closed rafaelcorsi closed 2 years ago

rafaelcorsi commented 2 years ago

Precisa corrigir algumas coisas. Tem um monte de figuras e links que ficaram perdidos na organização. Quando vc da mkdocs serve ele mostra:

WARNING -  A relative path to '' is included in the 'nav' configuration, which is not found in the documentation files 
WARNING -  Documentation file '' contains a link to 'imgs/lab.jpeg' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file '' contains a link to '' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/APS/' contains a link to 'navigation/APS/imgs/APS-1/falante.jpeg' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/APS/' contains a link to 'navigation/APS/21a-aps2/ecg.png' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/APS/' contains a link to 'navigation/APS/imgs/issues/issues1.png' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/APS/' contains a link to 'navigation/APS/imgs/issues/issues2.png' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/APS/' contains a link to 'navigation/APS/imgs/issues/issues3.png' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/Avaliacoes_e_Simulados/' contains a link to 'navigation/Avaliacoes_e_Simulados/imgs/Simulado/AV-1-Simulado-interface.png' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/Avaliacoes_e_Simulados/' contains a link to 'navigation/Avaliacoes_e_Simulados/imgs/Simulado/AV-1-Simulado-soneca.png' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/Avaliacoes_e_Simulados/' contains a link to 'navigation/Avaliacoes_e_Simulados/imgs/Simulado/AV-1-Simulado-termometro.png' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/Avaliacoes_e_Simulados/' contains a link to 'navigation/Avaliacoes_e_Simulados/imgs/AV2/oled.png' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/Avaliacoes_e_Simulados/' contains a link to 'navigation/Avaliacoes_e_Simulados/imgs/AV2/Micro-interface.png' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/Avaliacoes_e_Simulados/' contains a link to 'navigation/Avaliacoes_e_Simulados/imgs/AV2/done.png' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/Avaliacoes_e_Simulados/' contains a link to 'navigation/Avaliacoes_e_Simulados/imgs/AV2/pause.png' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/Avaliacoes_e_Simulados/' contains a link to 'navigation/Avaliacoes_e_Simulados/imgs/AV2/on.png' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/Labs/Lab_ECG/' contains a link to 'navigation/Labs/Lab_ECG/imgs/ecg1.png' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/Labs/Lab_ECG/' contains a link to 'navigation/Labs/Lab_ECG/imgs/ecg-fft.png' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/Labs/Lab_ECG/' contains a link to 'navigation/Labs/Lab_ECG/imgs/FIR/ecg-fft2.png' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/Labs/Lab_ECG/' contains a link to 'navigation/Labs/Lab_ECG/imgs/ECG/afec-tc3.png' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/Labs/Lab_ECG/' contains a link to 'navigation/Labs/Lab_ECG/imgs/ECG/retransmitindo.png' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/Labs/Lab_ECG/' contains a link to 'navigation/Labs/Lab_ECG/imgs/ECG/fim.jpg' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/Projeto/' contains a link to 'navigation/Projeto/imgs/Projeto-1/ser.write.png' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/Util/' contains a link to 'navigation/Util/imgs/kit/studio.jpg' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/Util/' contains a link to 'navigation/Util/imgs/kit/kit.png' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/Util/' contains a link to 'navigation/Util/imgs/kit/bluetooth.png' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/Util/' contains a link to 'navigation/Util/imgs/kit/wifi.jpg' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/Util/' contains a link to 'navigation/Util/imgs/kit/lcd.jpg' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'navigation/Util/' contains a link to 'navigation/Util/imgs/kit/oled.jpg' which is not found in the documentation files. 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'old/20a-aps2-bike/' contains a link to 'old/20a-aps2-bike/imgs/APS-2/maxTouch.png' which is not found in the documentation files.