Insta360Develop / CameraSDK-Cpp

CameraSDK-Cpp is a C++ library to control Insta360 cameras.
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No device found on Windows after re-compiling #26

Open Ben93kie opened 1 year ago

Ben93kie commented 1 year ago

I got the pre-compiled exe to run nicely. But when recompiling, it always says

[04-19 22:03:21.854] 7116 22816 I http_tunnel_service.cpp:0077: exception occured: accept: Ein Blockierungsvorgang wurde durch einen Aufruf von WSACancelBlockingCall unterbrochen.: Ein Blockierungsvorgang wurde durch einen Aufruf von WSACancelBlockingCall unterbrochen. no device found

Do I need to set paths somewhere?

aframatilda commented 1 year ago

I got the same error. I'm running the program in Visual Studio and build it through Cmake. In VS I run the code with release mode instead of debug mode, which solved the problem. The downside of this is that the debug configuration provides better debugging by reducing the compiler optimization level.

Ben93kie commented 1 year ago

Awesome, it's working now for me, too!

I'm trying to get some detector working on the individual frames. For that, I want to first grab the individual frames and do some stuff with them. I thought, it's best that I do not write the stream to a file but stream it via RTSP or such. I'd be happy to know if you know of any existing solutions or if you are working on something similar.

karmelcorn commented 10 months ago

@aframatilda , may I ask which version of visual studio are you using? I am using visual studio 2022 with cmake and I get the following errors when I try to compile the sample code

LNK1104 cannot open file 'CameraSDK.lib'