Insta360Develop / MediaSDK-Cpp

MediaSDK-Cpp is a C++ library to handle stitching, editing of media from Insta360 Cameras.
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Readme fix #25

Open BennetLeff opened 10 months ago

BennetLeff commented 10 months ago

To build the demo I had to run

g++ -std=c++11 -I../include -L../lib -lMediaSDK -lpthread -ltbb -lnppc -lnppial -lnppicc -lnppidei -lnppif -lnppig -lcuda -lMNN  -o ../bin/stitcherSDK

which is slightly updated from the readme. I'm on Ubuntu.

BennetLeff commented 10 months ago

1 more fix and a suggestion:


should be



it would be helpful to include the fact that usage of the demo should be as

./stitcherSDKDemo -i [input_file_1] [input_file_2] -output [output_file]

because leaving out the output files results in a segfault which I just spent some time figuring out.

WH30 commented 10 months ago

Hi, as you mention : ./stitcherSDKDemo -i [input_file_1] [input_file_2] -output [output_file] it has two input files, while when I take photos on Ubuntu using Camera SDK, it is only has one file with two camera shoot on the same .jpg. I'm wondering where do you get two input files.
ps: My device is X3

phamkhactu commented 4 months ago

Hi @BennetLeff

I am newbie in this field. Forgive me if my question is wired.

How can I download the MediaSDK dpkg or how to build it? I've red the readme and have search from insta360, but don't find anything.

If you are familiar with it. Would you mind giving me some detail advances.

Best regards, Tu