Instabug / Instabug-iOS

In-app feedback and bug reporting tool for apps.
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App got crashed at launching time #476

Closed santoso8118 closed 8 months ago

santoso8118 commented 8 months ago

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

Just launch app This issue happen sometimes in user's device and we can not reproduce it.

Expected Behavior

App should not get crashed

Actual Behavior

App got crashed

Instabug integration code

    Instabug.start(withToken:"apptoken", invocationEvents: [.screenshot]) 
    Surveys.appStoreURL = "app link from appstore"
    BugReporting.shouldCaptureViewHierarchy = true
    BugReporting.enabledAttachmentTypes = [.extraScreenShot,.galleryImage,.screenRecording,]

    Instabug.tintColor = .brandPurpleColor
    Instabug.welcomeMessageMode = IBGWelcomeMessageMode.disabled

    Custom values for some below keys:

    BugReporting.willInvokeHandler = {

Crashed logs

Crashed: 0 QuartzCore 0x4281c CA::Transaction::unlock() + 4 1 QuartzCore 0xf754 CA::Layer::get_frame_transform(CA::Mat4&, bool, CA::Mat4 const) + 480 2 QuartzCore 0xabe0 CA::Layer::map_geometry(CALayer, CALayer, void ()(void, CA::Mat4 const&), void ()(void, CA::Mat4 const&), void) + 248 3 QuartzCore 0x8cf90 -[CALayer convertRect:toLayer:] + 180 4 UIKitCore 0xcc174 -[UIView(Geometry) convertRect:toView:] + 128 5 Instabug 0xea534 -[UIViewController(IBGUtilities) ibg_mostVisibleChildViewController] + 420 6 Instabug 0x11a65c -[IBGWindowState getTopViewControllerWithRootViewControllerDispatched:] + 316 7 Instabug 0x11a404 -[IBGWindowState getTopViewControllerWithRootViewController:] + 120 8 Instabug 0x722c8 +[IBGInspector topViewControllerInWindow:] + 284 9 Instabug 0x19dd0 -[IBGViewController getVisibileViewController] + 64 10 Instabug 0x1a0c8 -[IBGViewController prefersStatusBarHidden] + 104 11 Instabug 0x1a0e0 -[IBGViewController prefersStatusBarHidden] + 128 12 Instabug 0x1a0e0 -[IBGViewController prefersStatusBarHidden] + 128 13 Instabug 0x1a0e0 -[IBGViewController prefersStatusBarHidden] + 128 14 Instabug 0x1a0e0 -[IBGViewController prefersStatusBarHidden] + 128 15 Instabug 0x1a0e0 -[IBGViewController prefersStatusBarHidden] + 128 16 Instabug 0x1a0e0 -[IBGViewController prefersStatusBarHidden] + 128 17 Instabug 0x1a0e0 -[IBGViewController prefersStatusBarHidden] + 128 18 Instabug 0x1a0e0 -[IBGViewController prefersStatusBarHidden] + 128 19 Instabug 0x1a0e0 -[IBGViewController prefersStatusBarHidden] + 128 20 Instabug 0x1a0e0 -[IBGViewController prefersStatusBarHidden] + 128 21 Instabug 0x1ef480 -[IBGSplitViewController prefersStatusBarHidden] + 48 22 UIKitCore 0x3c5e8 -[UIViewController _preferredStatusBarVisibility] + 48 23 UIKitCore 0x3c34c +[UIWindow(StatusBarManager) _prefersStatusBarHiddenInWindow:targetOrientation:animationProvider:] + 224 24 UIKitCore 0x3c24c +[UIWindow(StatusBarManager) _prefersStatusBarHiddenInWindow:animationProvider:] + 72 25 UIKitCore 0x3bc44 -[UIApplication _isStatusBarEffectivelyHiddenForContentOverlayInsetsForWindow:] + 132 26 UIKitCore 0x3b89c -[UIWindow _sceneSafeAreaInsetsIncludingStatusBar:] + 220 27 UIKitCore 0x3b54c -[UIWindow _normalizedSafeAreaInsets] + 64 28 UIKitCore 0x3b4cc -[UIWindow safeAreaInsets] + 76 29 UIKitCore 0xe11e0 +[UIViewController _horizontalContentMarginForView:ofWidth:] + 80 30 UIKitCore 0xe0f84 +[UIViewController _horizontalContentMarginForView:] + 68 31 UIKitCore 0xe0f10 -[UISplitViewControllerPanelImpl _contentMarginForChildViewController:] + 192 32 UIKitCore 0xdf810 -[UIViewController updateContentOverlayInsetsWithOurRect:inBoundsOfAncestorViewController:viaImmediateChildOfAncestor:] + 308 33 UIKitCore 0x728e0 -[UIViewController _updateContentOverlayInsetsFromParentIfNecessary] + 800 34 UIKitCore 0x3c82c -[UINavigationController _layoutViewController:] + 84 35 UIKitCore 0x3c7d4 -[UINavigationController _layoutTopViewControllerLookForNested:] + 436 36 UIKitCore 0x1a22ac 105-[UINavigationController _repositionPaletteWithNavigationBarHidden:duration:shouldUpdateNavigationItems:]_block_invoke + 452 37 UIKitCore 0x174b88 -[UINavigationController _repositionPaletteWithNavigationBarHidden:duration:shouldUpdateNavigationItems:] + 328 38 UIKitCore 0x17234c -[UINavigationController _updateBarsForCurrentInterfaceOrientationAndForceBarLayout:] + 128 39 UIKitCore 0xe54c -[UINavigationController viewDidAppear:] + 40 40 UIKitCore 0xcc74 -[UIViewController _setViewAppearState:isAnimating:] + 1148 41 UIKitCore 0x7edb2c 52-[UIViewController _setViewAppearState:isAnimating:]_block_invoke_2 + 168 42 UIKitCore 0x2457dc __52-[UIViewController _setViewAppearState:isAnimating:]_block_invoke + 192 43 CoreFoundation 0xa1cc NSARRAY_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK + 24 44 CoreFoundation 0x376b8 -[NSSingleObjectArrayI enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock:] + 92 45 UIKitCore 0xcdd4 -[UIViewController _setViewAppearState:isAnimating:] + 1500 46 UIKitCore 0x22085c -[UIViewController viewDidAppear:] + 164 47 UIKitCore 0x2206d8 -[UIViewController _endAppearanceTransition:] + 212 48 UIKitCore 0x220060 __48-[UIPresentationController transitionDidFinish:]_block_invoke + 100 49 UIKitCore 0x278260 -[UIPresentationController transitionDidFinish:] + 1100 50 UIKitCore 0x14d72c -[_UICurrentContextPresentationController transitionDidFinish:] + 44 51 UIKitCore 0x764a08 56-[UIPresentationController runTransitionForCurrentState]_block_invoke.110 + 320 52 UIKitCore 0x2b1d10 -[_UIViewControllerTransitionContext completeTransition:] + 116 53 UIKitCore 0x2b2ea0 -[UITransitionView notifyDidCompleteTransition:] + 180 54 UIKitCore 0x2b2aa0 -[UITransitionView _didCompleteTransition:] + 832 55 UIKitCore 0x1060598 UIVIEW_IS_EXECUTING_ANIMATION_COMPLETION_BLOCK__ + 36 56 UIKitCore 0xce148 -[UIViewAnimationBlockDelegate _didEndBlockAnimation:finished:context:] + 636 57 UIKitCore 0xcd0a4 -[UIViewAnimationState sendDelegateAnimationDidStop:finished:] + 436 58 UIKitCore 0xcc7c0 -[UIViewAnimationState animationDidStop:finished:] + 196 59 UIKitCore 0xcc8d4 -[UIViewAnimationState animationDidStop:finished:] + 472 60 QuartzCore 0x134e0 CA::Layer::run_animation_callbacks(void*) + 232 61 libdispatch.dylib 0x3eac _dispatch_client_callout + 20 62 libdispatch.dylib 0x126a4 _dispatch_main_queue_drain + 928 63 libdispatch.dylib 0x122f4 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 44 64 CoreFoundation 0x98c28 CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE + 16 65 CoreFoundation 0x7a560 CFRunLoopRun + 1992 66 CoreFoundation 0x7f3ec CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 612 67 GraphicsServices 0x135c GSEventRunModal + 164 68 UIKitCore 0x39cf58 -[UIApplication _run] + 888 69 UIKitCore 0x39cbbc UIApplicationMain + 340 70 MyApp 0x145e8 main + 45 (AppDelegate.swift:45) 71 ??? 0x1b2844dec (Missing)

SDK Version

Instabug (11.1.0)

iOS Version


Device Model

iPhone 11 Pro

EyadHeikal commented 8 months ago

@santoso8118 We've implemented a fix for this issue that resolves this. Can you update to the latest SDK version?

santoso8118 commented 8 months ago

Hi @EyadHeikal Thanks for your quick answer could you specify what version we should update ? How about Instabug SDK version 11.14.0 ? Does it include the fixes for this issue ?

EyadHeikal commented 8 months ago

@santoso8118 Yes, 11.14.0 has the fix for this issue.