Instabug / web-sdk-sample

Bug reporting tool for web
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Support webpack, ES6, babel builds #5

Open johnjjung opened 6 years ago

johnjjung commented 6 years ago


I tried importing via:

yarn add instabug-sdk

But then I can't import it because you're only supporting direct browser fetches.

The way I got around this was to import it into index.html which is a bit messy because we keep that file light. Then use window.ibgSdk.init({...})` to make it work, which is fine temporarily but you guys only have the min files up so can you guys support imports?

Our stack is yarn + VueJS + webpack 3...

If you support in our main.js

import 'ibgSdk` from 'instabug-sdk`

Then I'm sure not just VueJS, but also Angular and React people would very much appreciate it!


timbroder commented 6 years ago

This would greatly help us as well (React)

kevinthecity commented 6 years ago

Bonus points for TS definitions

vaceslav commented 5 years ago

is here any progress?

sepatus88 commented 5 years ago


sepatus88 commented 5 years ago

wanna play with us