Instagram / Fixit

Advanced Python linting framework with auto-fixes and hierarchical configuration that makes it easy to write custom in-repo lint rules.
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Fixit is incredibly slow with many files. #458

Open jarshwah opened 2 months ago

jarshwah commented 2 months ago

Related to #457 I was doing some profiling on our custom fixit rules, and determined that the number of files being linted was the primary determinate in fixit runtime.

To that end, I've setup a repository that demonstrates the performance issues. It contains a large number of empty files in a tree of modules, about 41,000 files in total. It has a single fixit rule with a visit_Module that does nothing except return. Running fixit against this tree pegs all of my cores to 100% and takes about 40 seconds to complete. is the repository which I'm using to document my findings. So far I've only looked at the file-finding, but plan to dig in further where time permits.