Instagram / IGListKit

A data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast and flexible lists.
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Unable to compile sample project with Mac Catalyst #1486

Open christianselig opened 3 years ago

christianselig commented 3 years ago

General information

Hey, I use IGListKit in my app for a few things, but have to comment it out to use it with a Catalyst version, there's a bunch of non-descript compiler complaints. I thought maybe something in my app was interacting with IGListKit weirdly, but if I create a sample project with a Podfile with only IGListKit defined, I still am unable to compile under Catalyst (though it compiles fine for iOS).

The specific issue I get is:

.../Pods/IGListKit/Source/IGListKit/Internal/IGListAdapterUpdater+DebugDescription.h:10:12: Cannot find interface declaration for 'IGListAdapterUpdater'

This seems sort of vague and I'm unsure why it would be unable to find the declaration for this only in Catalyst. Has anyone else run into this issue?

Dino4674 commented 3 years ago

Also getting IGListKit build errors when building for Catalyst.

Same bullets as yours:

IGListKit version: 4.0
iOS version(s): 14.2
CocoaPods/Carthage version: 1.10.0
Xcode version: 12.2

I see since August people are asking what about IGListKit for Catalyst but no solutions. Found only 3 links with issues but no solutions. Your's is now the 4th. I guess we need to be louder :D


sunforcode commented 3 years ago

me too