InstantID / InstantID

InstantID : Zero-shot Identity-Preserving Generation in Seconds 🔥
Apache License 2.0
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Why InstantID compatibility with SD1.5 is mentioned in docs but the model is not available? #41

Open StellarBeing25 opened 5 months ago

StellarBeing25 commented 5 months ago

On InstantID github page there is the mention of InstantID compatibility with SD 1.5 "Moreover, our work seamlessly integrates with popular pre-trained text-to-image diffusion models like SD1.5 and SDXL, serving as an adaptable plugin.", but no InstantID model for SD1.5 got released. Is it canceled or will get released later?

haofanwang commented 5 months ago

We don't have a plan to release InstantID on SD1.5 recently.

StellarBeing25 commented 5 months ago

Then please consider releasing a SD1.5 version since majority of stable diffusion users cannot use SDXL due to high VRAM requirements.

curlysasha commented 5 months ago

we need 1.5

yigepingzi commented 5 months ago

we need 1.5, please...

jireh-father commented 4 months ago

Most SD users use 1.5. please...

ZeroCool22 commented 4 months ago

Those guys think everyone have a 4090 GPU lol...

wangqixun commented 4 months ago

I'm really sorry. InstantID-sd1.5 version cannot be released due to some commercial reasons. We are trying to break free from commercial restrictions in the v2 version. Please wait and see

rupeshs commented 4 months ago

@wangqixun Thanks, compute requirements will drastically reduce for SD 1.5.

sirpilan commented 4 months ago

I'm really sorry. InstantID-sd1.5 version cannot be released due to some commercial reasons. We are trying to break free from commercial restrictions in the v2 version. Please wait and see

Got any foreseeable timeframe?

G-force78 commented 4 months ago

You could try changing the pipelines to 1.5 and the controlnets and IP adapters, then the resize image. Mikubils extention seems to do the same thing in auto1111

Xijamk commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, how it's going the 1.5 release?, can we help with computation or anything?, it's by far the most used one.