Open edison0951 opened 10 years ago
Sounds like the submodules are missing. Use git clone --recursive
or git submodule init; git submodule init;
So, any update about "plainButtonWithNormalImageName"? since there's no where to find it~
The plainButtonWithNormalImageName
is in the EasyLayout project.
Make sure to checkout submodules using command listed above.
Yes, but I only saw "plainButtonWithNormalImage", not "plainButtonWithNormalImageName"; Is that right? Sorry for I'm new in iOS, please let me know if I'm wrong, thanks.
To fix, in FindDeviceViewController.m, change to this line:
modeButton = [ButtonMaker plainButtonWithNormalImage:
[UIImage imageNamed:@"mode_button_detecting.png"]
selectedImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"mode_button_broadcasting.png"]];
First, I download the code, and then I run the code, the error say the EasyLayout.h not found. so I download the EasyLayout Code, and add it to the Xcode project. And I run again, the error say plainButtonWithNormalImageName not found.I have to annotate the code in order to run successfully. where is the method?