Instrument / oculus-bridge

A utility and javascript library to link the Oculus Rift with the web
MIT License
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Not detecting DK2 Oculus #7

Open Axiverse opened 9 years ago

Axiverse commented 9 years ago

Is DK2 supported? The Oculus demo app works fine, but Oculus-Bridge doesn't pick it up.

momo-the-monster commented 9 years ago

Same here - Windows 7, SDK 0.4. Oculus-Bridge doesn't recognize the DK2.

RogueSheep-nl commented 9 years ago

Same here on OSX, installed SDK 0.4 and Demo does detect the Oculus. Would be great if the bridge could be made compatible. Thanks!

benpurdy commented 9 years ago

I'm waiting for my DK2 to arrive, then I'll be able to work on getting this fixed.

RogueSheep-nl commented 9 years ago

great & thanx! Happy waiting ;-)

samccone commented 9 years ago

I just got mine taking a look now :)

samccone commented 9 years ago

hi @benpurdy what exactly do you have in your cinder_dir I am running into all kinds of issues getting this sucker to compile (find the path to cinder) Updated my path in the project settings to use my local relative path to cinder 0.8.5 but still is not finding any of the includes

nm got it

samccone commented 9 years ago

Alright been digging into this sucker quite a bit, and I think that it is totally doable. The Rift SDK changed quite a bit since the initial version of this tool was released, and the bit where we do the detection of the oculus and reading the values is going to need pretty much a total overhaul. That said it is nothing so crazy.

Just letting you all know. I need this tool for something that I am working on for DK2 so I will follow up with a PR with the needed patches.

SoylentGraham commented 9 years ago

Any update on this support? @samccone, your fork looks like there are no changes? Might have to throw my hat into the ring too to add support when I get a chance :)

samccone commented 9 years ago

hey @SoylentGraham getting the dev env setup was quite a bit tricker than I expected. I have something that is slightly closer to working but still very much failing.

I would appreciate any help :)

SoylentGraham commented 9 years ago

I'm using oculus rest right now, as someone's already done the work for the basics (and took 2 secs to add position data :). Once I've released the thing I'm doing I'll have a stab at this (OSX first)

samccone commented 9 years ago

oh snap, awesome @SoylentGraham :heart: :heart:

belens commented 9 years ago

I'm eagerly waiting as well! Good stuff.

benpurdy commented 9 years ago

Just an update: I got an email today confirming that my DK2 is about to ship, hopefully I can get this issue resolved in the near future.

KeiraKaineGV commented 9 years ago

Great news - looking forward to this. Oculus-Bridge was great and made working with the DK1 & Three.js a breeze :)

gak2 commented 9 years ago


Hey guys, any update on Oculus Bridge working with DK2?


SoylentGraham commented 9 years ago

Not from me, occulus-rest does everything I need for now (with three.js etc) and I'll be working on my own cross platform (and cross-device) solution for ajax/websockets, just won't be as pretty as this.

gak2 commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the reply! Can please I ask how you're running Oculus-rest? I'm on Windows/DK2 - I've tried everything - but I can't get it to pick up the Oculus ..

Do you run 'oculus-restful.exe' from command prompt? Set Display Mode to "Extend Desktop"? The LED is staying resolutely orange for me :\ Should I be testing on 'webgl_geometry_minecraft_oculusrift.html'?

Thanks for your advice - all help is greatly appreciated!

gak2 commented 9 years ago

Hi, Got the DK2 running now, but it's returning all zeros:

SEND: {"quat":{"x":0.0000000,"y":0.0000000,"z":0.0000000,"w":1.0000000},"euler": {"y":0.0000000,"p":-0.0000000,"r":0.0000000}} SEND: {"quat":{"x":0.0000000,"y":0.0000000,"z":0.0000000,"w":1.0000000},"euler": {"y":0.0000000,"p":-0.0000000,"r":0.0000000}}

Any thoughts? Thank you!

SoylentGraham commented 9 years ago

Probably not connected, I'll try windows later today. We should probably move this off this thread/repos, maybe create an issue in the oculus rest repository? (Mine or the original)

batfood commented 9 years ago

Hi, Oculus_Bridge is great, thank you! - Just wondering if DK2 support is still planned? Cheers!

tushrimali commented 9 years ago


This Bridge binary might just save my life. Any updates on if it has been updated for DK2. It would be of immense help. Thanks !

RogueSheep-nl commented 9 years ago

batfood & tushrimali: If you're not stuck to a certain browser or environment, you might want to check out any WebVR supporting browser like Chromium ( or FireFox's nightly build ( Chromium works like a charm for me with the DK2 (and DK1)

spicyramen commented 9 years ago

Checking on DK2 support,using SDK 0.5.1 and OSX Yosemite 10.10.3 and Oculus checkbox is not selected, only WS.