Instrumental / instrumentald

Instrumental System and Service Daemon
MIT License
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Improve first run project setup #64

Closed jason-o-matic closed 7 years ago

jason-o-matic commented 7 years ago

The tests depend on vagrant and virtualbox, but they weren't specified in script/setup so you couldn't run the tests immediately after setup.

This also fixes an error with the initial bundle install:

[master] instrumentald $ ./script/setup
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching version metadata from
Fetching dependency metadata from
Resolving dependencies........
Your lockfile was created by an old Bundler that left some things out.
You can fix this by adding the missing gems to your Gemfile, running
bundle install, and then removing the gems from your Gemfile.
The missing gems are:
* CFPropertyList depended upon by facter
* CFPropertyList depended upon by puppet
fatal: No live threads left. Deadlock?


Unfortunately, an unexpected error occurred, and Bundler cannot

Adding CFPropertyList to the gemfile fixes this. Contrary to the directions, then removing the gems doesn't work, so it stays for now.

mediocretes commented 7 years ago

:+1: much smoother for future Nate.

mediocretes commented 7 years ago

I had some verify failures with puppet, but, no more than I did previously... I'll investigate.

mediocretes commented 7 years ago

(the things that are still broken are fixed in #65)