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Swing look-and-feel library and assorted widgets
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Package SubstanceLookAndFeel color schemes separately #69

Open kschaefe opened 12 years ago

kschaefe commented 12 years ago

We are using Substance as a framework to implement our own color schemes. We don't need to have the defaults schemes. I imagine other are in the same boat. I think these Substance examples should be in a separate Maven module.

shemnon commented 12 years ago

I am inclined to close this as "won't fix". Exactly what would be gained by this segregation?

Consider the case of a user who does no custom color schemes, now they would have to install a separate package to gain no value? These are not samples but are part of the default repertoire of substance skins and themes.

Any customs themes I've seen have all been derived from these defaults, so nearly all setups would be bringing this new maven dependency anyway.

And how much space in the jar would be saved anyway?

What I am looking for is a demonstration of how this would, all things considered, benefit the majority of the downstream users.