Insubstantial / insubstantial

Swing look-and-feel library and assorted widgets
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Crash using color picker #83

Closed elvencode closed 11 years ago

elvencode commented 12 years ago

Using JDK 1.7 on Windows 7 with Substance 6.3 (same problem also on 6.2) the default JColorChooser crashes inside the function updateImage of JSlider (reading the code this function seems only present in java 1.7). I removed the first (and second if i'm not wrong) color panel from the default ones placed inside the component and set a preview panel outside the JColorChooser to fix the problem. I also placed a JSlider inside a panel to see if it's the component itself but it works correctly with Substance. I think that probably it's the "brightness" slider placed on the right of the gradients circle inside the color picker to have the problem.

PS with JDK 1.6 there's no crash PS2 i use this look and feel UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new SubstanceBusinessBlackSteelLookAndFeel());

shemnon commented 11 years ago

I believe #26 fixed this, in insubstantial version 7.0.