IntegratedTransportPlanning / gcvt

Greener Connectivity Visualisation Tool
MIT License
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Arrows on flow lines #150

Closed bovine3dom closed 3 years ago

bovine3dom commented 3 years ago

There's no built-in way in Mapbox to add arrows to lines.


We need to make a symbol layer with a nice little arrowhead graphic and symbol-placement set to line. It should be as simple as setting the source to the same data source as the line layer and we'll be done

bovine3dom commented 3 years ago

http://localhost:2016/map/?matVar=slcyclehours&scenario=base&scenarioYear=2010&percent=true&compare=false&showctrl=true&compareWith=base&compareYear=auto&showDesc=true&showClines=true&showMatHelp=undefined&showLinkHelp=undefined&showChart=false&selectedZones=[495,487]&z#9.15/52.8967/-1.0495 is a decent view if you want to check them out / fiddle with their appearance.