This repository includes the tool for the prediction, comparison and visualization of TSS predicted using RNAseq. The results are then compared to provide an overview and also single-detailed visualizations.
Currently the website has been only been tested on a few laptops. To make sure that everyone can use the tool we need to test it on different devices and adjust the css files.
[ ] Test the tool on different devices (ones with smaller/bigger screens)
[ ] Adjust the css files so that the website looks the same across all screen sizes, devices etc
Definition of Ready
If this issues has been discussed with the team and everybody agrees that it is implementable within one iteration, you can assign the label ready to it.
Currently the website has been only been tested on a few laptops. To make sure that everyone can use the tool we need to test it on different devices and adjust the css files.
Definition of Ready
If this issues has been discussed with the team and everybody agrees that it is implementable within one iteration, you can assign the label
to it.