Intel-Media-SDK / MediaSDK

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sample_fei usage with mbctrl / ForceToSkip #2977

Open BlueWaterCrystal opened 2 years ago

BlueWaterCrystal commented 2 years ago


How do you use sample_fei with a mbctrl file? What would the file contain, Is there any file structure examples?

It says in the documentary that mfxExtFeiEncMBCtrl is Deprecated, Is there a new way to use ForceToSkip?

Also what arguments are needed to use Targetkbps? I get an Invalid BRC parameters Error.

Current cli: ./sample_fei -i 420p.yuv -o test_fei.h264 -g 2000 -w 1280 -h 720 -encode -EncodedOrder -f 25 -r 1