IntelCompH2020 / sti-viewer

European Union Public License 1.2
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Example STI Viewer Report Request #1

Open dtziotzios opened 1 year ago

dtziotzios commented 1 year ago

I'd like to request a new Report for the STI Viewer. The report should use Climate EU/Energy Data.

The report should contain the following tabs:

  1. Tab Name: Publications

    • Chart 1:

      • Title: Count of scientific publications
      • Chart Subtitle: -
      • Description: Lorem ipsum....
      • Type: Line
      • xAxisName: Number of Publications
      • yAxisName: Years
      • xColumnField: key
      • yColumnField: value
      • GroupingByField: -
    • Chart 2:

      • Title: Count of scientific publications per country
      • Chart Subtitle: -
      • Description: Lorem ipsum....
      • Type: Map
      • xAxisName: -
      • yAxisName: -
      • xColumnField: key
      • yColumnField: value
      • GroupingByField: -
  2. Tab Name: Citations

    • Chart 1:
      • Title: Number of citable scientific publications per organization
      • Chart Subtitle: -
      • Description: Lorem ipsum....
      • Type: Line
      • xAxisName: Citable Scientific Publications
      • yAxisName: Years
      • xColumnField: key
      • yColumnField: value
      • GroupingByField: organization