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GR - Energy & Agrifood - Green Skills #19

Open igrypari opened 7 months ago

igrypari commented 7 months ago

I would like to request additions to the Agrifood-GR AND the Energy-GR - the exact same data is should be shown for both reports report, in the tab “Green Skills”. You have already received the data for this request

The user flow that leads to the report is the following:

(1) Browse topics for Climate > GR> select category "Agrifood" > Overview (1) Browse topics for Climate > GR> select category "Energy" > Overview same data for both reports

Chart Group 1: Market Dynamics Greece vs Europe

Chart 1: Title: Green Job Post Trends in Greece vs. Europe Description: This visualization contrasts the annual proportion of job postings deemed green in Greece with the overall European landscape. The percentages were derived from CEDEFOP's OJA dataset, which catalogues job postings and their requisite skills. Green jobs are identified using ESCO's classifications, pinpointing occupations labelled as green and job posts requiring at least one green skill. Data Source: CEDEFOP OJA dataset, ESCO classification Type: column with two series, like this (but without the numbers within the bars) Indicator: Share of green job posts per year (Greece: I45b, SV01 Domain: Greece vs. I45, SV01 Domain: EU  i.e. for the comparison please add the data from the European primary view) xAxisName: year yAxisName: % green job posts xColumnField: key yColumnField: value GroupByField: (Greece, Europe)

Chart 2: Title: Sectoral Distribution of Green Job Posts (Greece vs. Europe) Description: This chart provides a side-by-side comparison of the sectoral distribution of green job postings between Greece and the broader European context. The analysis is based on the OJA dataset, with job postings matched to ESCO's green occupations and skills. Green jobs are identified using ESCO's classifications, pinpointing occupations labelled as green and job posts requiring at least one green skill. Data Source: CEDEFOP OJA dataset, ESCO classification Type: Horizontal Bar Chart with two series, like this (but without the numbers within the bars and horizontal) Indicator: Share of green job posts per sector (Greece vs. Europe) Share of green job posts per year (Greece: I45c, SV08 Domain: Greece vs. I45a, SV08 Domain: EU  i.e. for the comparison please add the data from the European primary view) xAxisName: Sector yAxisName: Share of Green Job Posts (%) xColumnField: key (Sector) yColumnField: value (Share of Green Job Posts) GroupByField: Region (Greece, Europe)

Chart Group 2: Green Skills Demand in Greece Chart 1: Title: Most Wanted Green Skills in Top Sectors Description: This graph showcases the most in-demand green skills within the top two sectors for green employment in Greece, as indicated by job posting volumes. The data is derived from the OJA dataset by CEDEFOP, enriched with ESCO's classifications to ensure consistency. Job postings are categorized as green if they align with ESCO-identified green occupations and require at least one corresponding green skill. Data Source: CEDEFOP OJA dataset, ESCO classification Type: treemap ( one color per sector/grouped by sector (within the color/sector you have the different skills for that one) Indicator: I45d SV23 xAxisName: skill yAxisName: Share of Green Job Posts (%) xColumnField: key yColumnField: value GroupByField: sector

Chart 2: Title: Most Wanted Green Skills in Bottom Sectors Description: This graph showcases the most in-demand green skills within the bottom two sectors for green employment in Greece, as indicated by job posting volumes. The data is derived from the OJA dataset by CEDEFOP, enriched with ESCO's classifications to ensure consistency. Job postings are categorized as green if they align with ESCO-identified green occupations and require at least one corresponding green skill. Data Source: CEDEFOP OJA dataset, ESCO classification Type: treemap ( one color per sector/grouped by sector (within the color/sector you have the different skills for that one) Indicator: I45e SV23 xAxisName: skill yAxisName: Share of Green Job Posts (%) xColumnField: key yColumnField: value GroupByField: sector

Chart Group 3: Green Skills Demand Within Greece

Chart 1: Title: Regional Demand for Green Skills in Job Posts Description: This chart shows the demand for green skills in job postings across Greek regions, using CEDEFOP's OJA dataset matched with ESCO's green classifications. It ranks regions by the percentage of job postings that require green skills, from the highest to the lowest. Data Source: CEDEFOP OJA dataset, ESCO classification Type: Column Chart, ordered by y - % job posts Indicator: I45ee, SV24 xAxisName: region yAxisName: % job posts xColumnField: key yColumnField: value GroupByField:

Chart Group 4: Green Skills Supply and Demand in Construction

Chart 1: Title: Supply: Higher Education Programmes with Green Skills in Construction Description: This graph displays the presence of green skills in higher education construction programmes across different regions of Greece, as identified in university curricula. A value of '0' indicates that a construction programme exists but does not include any green skills, while a '1' (or more) signifies that one (or more) programme(s) exists with at least one green skill included. The curricula were analysed to detect the inclusion of green skills, ensuring alignment with the ESCO framework. Data Source: University Curricula, ESCO classification Type: column (please include the 0 values as well) Indicator: i45f sv24 xAxisName: region yAxisName: # programmes xColumnField: key yColumnField: value GroupByField:

Chart 2: Title: Demand: % Construction Job Posts Requiring Green Skills Description: This chart maps out the demand for green skills in the construction sector across Greek regions, showcasing the percentage of job postings that require such skills. Data is sourced from CEDEFOP's OJA dataset, where job posts are categorized as green if they are classified under ESCO's green occupations and list at least one green skill. Data Source: CEDEFOP OJA dataset, ESCO classification Type: column Indicator: i45hh, sv24 xAxisName: region yAxisName: % green job posts xColumnField: key yColumnField: value GroupByField:

Chart Group 5: Green Skills Supply and Demand in Energy Supply Services (ESS)

Chart 1: Title: Supply: Higher Education Programmes with Green Skills in ESS Description: This graph displays the presence of green skills in higher education programmes in ESS across different regions of Greece, as identified in university curricula. A value of '0' indicates that a such a programme exists but does not include any green skills, while a '1' (or more) signifies that one (or more) programme(s) exists with at least one green skill included. The curricula were analysed to detect the inclusion of green skills, ensuring alignment with the ESCO framework. Data Source: University Curricula, ESCO classification Type: column (please include the 0 values as well) Indicator: i45g sv24 xAxisName: region yAxisName: # programmes xColumnField: key yColumnField: value GroupByField:

Chart 2: Title: Demand: % ESS Job Posts Requiring Green Skills Description: This chart maps out the demand for green skills in the ESS sector across Greek regions, showcasing the percentage of job postings that require such skills. Data is sourced from CEDEFOP's OJA dataset, where job posts are categorized as green if they are classified under ESCO's green occupations and list at least one green skill. Data Source: CEDEFOP OJA dataset, ESCO classification Type: column Indicator: i45h, sv24 xAxisName: region yAxisName: % green job posts xColumnField: key yColumnField: value GroupByField:

dtziotzios commented 7 months ago

Requested changes are deployed.