IntelRealSense / RealSenseID

Intel® RealSense™ ID SDK
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How convert RealSenseID::Image RAW10_1080P to cv::Mat or What image format have array RealSense ID::Image::buffer? #149

Open ZeosBios opened 2 years ago

ZeosBios commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to convert Image RealSenseID::RAW10 to cv::Mat. I get an image from PreviewImageReadyCallback, as shown in the example: But in the finish, I have always gray square. The conversation I make like:

void ConvertToMat(unsigned char * buffer, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) {
        cv::Mat rgb;
        cv::Mat raw10Img(image.height, image.width, CV_16UC1, image.buffer);

        cv::cvtColor(raw10Img, rgb, cv::COLOR_BayerRG2RGB);
        cv::imwrite("myimage.png", rgb);

From web-camera API: Callback will be used to provide RGB preview image and into samples/ Run preview for few seconds. Preview callback prints information on each frame.images are rgb24 I’ll take that as "API return raw data in RGB format", but code bellow don’t work:

        cv::Mat rgb;
        cv::Mat raw10Img(image.height, image.width, CV_8UC3, image.buffer);

        cv::cvtColor(raw10Img, rgb, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);
        cv::imwrite("myimage.png", rgb);

What image format have array RealSense ID::Image::unsigned char * buffer in void On Preview ImageReady(const RealSense ID::Image image) when preview Mode=RAW10_1080P? And how much channels in frame?