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Intel® RealSense™ SDK
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L515 Depth Bias #10168

Closed Cpeck71 closed 2 years ago

Cpeck71 commented 2 years ago

Required Info
Camera Model L515
Firmware Version
Operating System & Version Linux - Ubuntu 18.04
Kernel Version (Linux Only) 4.9.253-tegra
Platform Jetson Nano
SDK Version 2.49.0
Language C++
Segment Computer vision/Navigation

Issue Description

Howdy Realsense team, I've started to notice a discrepancy of the depth data in the form of a bias. I ran the depth-quality tool and with a known distance of ~1.93m the depth output was ~1.81m. I've noticed about the same value bias in other experiments, for example a test that had real-world data (from a motion tracking system) providing a distance of ~1.3m and the L515 was reading on average 1.11-1.15m.

My efforts so far have been to simply subtract out the bias from my measurements to help refine them, but I was wondering if y'all could help determine a source of this bias or something I can do to calibrate the lidar? I've done some searches in the github issues and believe I've read that there's not a specific calibration tool for the L515, but I also don't think I've found another issue mentioning a bias in the Lidar's measurement.

Thanks so much for the help!

MartyG-RealSense commented 2 years ago

Hi @Cpeck71 Would it be possible to provide an RGB image of the scene that is being observed, please? This will help to identify factors that may be negatively affecting the measurement.

For example, a difference between the L515 and the 400 Series models is that the L515 will see through transparent surfaces such as a plastic water bottle and pick up the depth data in the background behind the bottle instead of the bottle itself.

The L515 is also suited to use indoors under controlled lighting conditions and can experience interference if infrared light sources such as sunlight are present.

You are correct that the L515 does not have a calibration tool like the 400 Series' Dynamic Calibration and On-Chip tools.

Using the Short Range preset can help to improve the image in some situations, as it reduces the Receiver Gain and Laser Power values.

L515 depth measurement will work best with rough surfaces. If the surface that is being observed is highly reflective then pointing the camera straight ahead or at a shallow tilt angle may make the surface difficult to read depth detail from. With such surfaces, placing the camera above the observed surface and tilting the camera at a large 'angle of incidence' may help.


Cpeck71 commented 2 years ago

Howdy Marty,

Here's a representative example of our current setup in the lab. Right now I'm using checkerboards for calibration and other purposes with a light shining on the board to ensure good visibility. The blue in the depth data was ~1.1m while the red was looking like ~1.16m (the device was at a slight tilt). I measured the distance from the board to the face of the device by hand and got 51.25" or 1.3m.

ColorEx_Color DepthEx_color

I see what you mean about the different surfaces having different effects on the quality of depth data, however I've noticed a similar bias value on different surfaces. For example, the 1.9m I was talking about earlier was just pointing the L515 up at the ceiling which is that square foam-core/carboard ceiling tile which i suspect is rougher than the checkerboard.

The black floor of our lab absorbs a significant amount of the Lidar's light, which you can see in the depth data.

Thanks so much for your time!

MartyG-RealSense commented 2 years ago

You are very welcome :)

Yes, it is a general physics principle (not specific to RealSense) that dark gray and black colors absorb light, making it difficult for depth cameras to obtain detail from them. Projecting a strong light onto such surfaces can help to bring out depth detail from them if it is required, like in where a light-source is cast onto a black leather office chair.

In the recent case the use of apriltags for L515 calibration instead of a checkerboard was discussed.

If the scene is in a room with no natural sunlight and only artificial light-sources then the preset No Ambient Light could be tried. Of the artificial light sources present, halogen lights and some LED lights may reduce L515 performance.

Cpeck71 commented 2 years ago

I should have mentioned that the images were used (and in my normal operations) with the "short range" setting. Our lab has a fair amount of overhead lighting, and I was using a spotlight to help visibility. I just did another test with the L515 a meter from the wall next to me (in a well lit space) and it was reading ~0.85m, using both "short range" and "no ambient light" settings. My point being that it seems the bias is always in that ~0.1-0.15 range.

The checkerboard has been used for detection and estimation of the extrinsic parameters of the camera to provide another sanity check on "truth" distance, similar to what I'd do with apriltags. Doing it that way provides similar measurements (~1.3 compared to ~1.1-1.15 in the depth data). So I'm thinking there's just some inherent bias going on and I'm curious if theres a way i can correct/calibrate the device itself or if i should just take it into account in my measurements. Thanks!

P.s. this is completely unrelated to this problem and im sorry for hijacking this issue but I'm receiving a "control_transfer returned error, index 768, error: No data available, number: 61" error usually every second or so, but sometimes it arrives in bursts. I've looked at other issues talking about this and i suspect it might be the cable from the device to the computer. I know the devices are somewhat particular to the 3ft cable that it comes with, are there good replacements for this usb-c/usb cable that y'all recommend?

MartyG-RealSense commented 2 years ago

The FAQ on Intel's official information website for the L515 states that depth error average at 1m distance from camera is <5mm at 95% reflectivity. It recommends that the camera operates at an ambient temperature of 0 to 30 degrees C.

The link below has an L515 question about calibration where the user was reporting an error of up to 20 cm. This seems consistent with the range of error that you are experiencing (1.3 m real distance versus 1.1 to 1.15 m depth measurement). The RealSense team member in that case recommended use of the Short Range preset, which you have already been using.

A small number of RealSense users calibrate with a tool called Kalibr instead of using official tools, and the links below discuss calibrating L515 with Kalibr. This tool is typically associated with IMU calibration of RealSense cameras rather than depth and RGB though.

Another tool called vicalib was used within Intel for RealSense calibration several years ago in the early history of the 400 Series cameras, though I do not know if it is still compatible with RealSense cameras.

If your bias correction workaround consistently works well for you then it is certainly worth considering using that instead though.

The company Newnex supply industrial grade USB cables and equipment that have been tested with RealSense cameras, though their web page does not mention the L515 model specifically. I just tested that a 400 Series USB cable physically fits in an L515. Newnex also supply premium USB cables in general.

Cpeck71 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the info! I'll take a look at these options and re-open the issue if necessary.

I really appreciate your time!

MartyG-RealSense commented 2 years ago

You are very welcome. :) Please do feel free to re-open this issue at a future date if you have further questions. Good luck!