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Intel® RealSense™ SDK
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how to take image with python from a framos intel reals industrial depth sensor D455e #11633

Open Stephen12ds opened 1 year ago

Stephen12ds commented 1 year ago

Required Info
Camera Model { R200 / F200 / SR300 / ZR300 / D400 }
Firmware Version (Open RealSense Viewer --> Click info)
Operating System & Version {Win (8.1/10) / Linux (Ubuntu 14/16/17) / MacOS
Kernel Version (Linux Only) (e.g. 4.14.13)
Platform PC/Raspberry Pi/ NVIDIA Jetson / etc..
SDK Version { legacy / 2.<?>.<?> }
Language {C/C#/labview/nodejs/opencv/pcl/python/unity }
Segment {Robot/Smartphone/VR/AR/others }

Issue Description

<Describe your issue / question / feature request / etc..>

Stephen12ds commented 1 year ago

i am using this code: import pyrealsense2 as rs

Create a context object. This object owns the handles to all connected realsense devices

ctx = rs.context()

Query the available devices and filter by product line and connection type

devices = ctx.query_devices()

if len(devices) == 0: print('No device connected') exit() else: print('Device connected')

Create a pipeline object and configure the streams

pipeline = rs.pipeline() config = rs.config() config.enable_device(devices[0].get_info(rs.camera_info.serial_number)) config.enable_stream(, 640, 480, rs.format.z16, 30)

Start streaming


while True:

Wait for new frames and retrieve the depth frame

frames = pipeline.wait_for_frames()
depth = frames.get_depth_frame()
if not depth:

# Print a simple text-based representation of the image
coverage = [0] * 64
for y in range(480):
    for x in range(640):
        dist = depth.get_distance(x, y)
        if 0 < dist and dist < 1:
            coverage[x // 10] += 1

    if y % 20 == 19:
        line = ""
        for c in coverage:
            line += " .:nhBXWW"[c // 25]
        coverage = [0] * 64

and it picks up a camera connected via usb but not one that is setup over a network

MartyG-RealSense commented 1 year ago

Hi @Stephen12ds Intel are unfortunately unable to assist with questions related to the FRAMOS 'e' series of industrial RealSense-compatible cameras as they are not Intel products. Please contact FRAMOS support by visiting the support page at the link below and clicking the Let's talk button.