IntelRealSense / librealsense

Intel® RealSense™ SDK
Apache License 2.0
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Get X,Y coordinates from X,Y,Z coordinates of realsense /OPEN3D COORDINATES IN REALSENSE #11929

Closed BIGINCHI closed 1 year ago

BIGINCHI commented 1 year ago
Required Info
Camera Model { D400 }
Firmware Version (Open RealSense Viewer --> Click info)
Operating System & Version {Win (10)
Kernel Version (Linux Only) -
Platform PC
SDK Version { 2 }
Language {opencv/python}

Issue Description

im using open3D to get x,y,z coordinates of the segments im detecting in my cloud . After detecting im converting the X,y,z coordinates to realsense coordinate systems , using the cloud points

_def transform_point_from_realsenseopen3d(cluster): return([cluster[0][0],cluster[0][1], -cluster[0][2]])

are there better ways to convert my coordinates and how?

this snippet helps in converting open3d coordinates to realsense cloud coordinates now im using from the wrappers/python/examples in librealsense i want to convert realsense X,Y,Z coordinates to X,Y coordinates to view on a picture that for which im using

_cv2.imwrite('./out.png', colorimage) in the

how do i get proper X,Y coordinates, from X,Y,Z coordinates and mark them using opencv circle function

MartyG-RealSense commented 1 year ago

Hi @BIGINCHI If the XYZ values of a pointcloud have been calculated with the SDK instruction rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point like line 72 of does then the XYZ points can be converted back to XY pixels with the instruction rs2_project_point_to_pixel. has a Python example of rs2_project_point_to_pixel.

In regard to marking with circles using OpenCV, the only case on tis forum that I could find is where the RealSense user in that case uses OpenCV's HoughCircles() function. Their script is at and although it is a C++ script, the OpenCV sections of the code that contain the HoughCircles() function may provide some helpful ideas.

BIGINCHI commented 1 year ago

Thank You @MartyG-RealSense for the quick reply , yes im using deprojection and its working when i run my open3d program it looks like this


here you can see 3 bounding boxes i get the coordinates and display in realsense viewer and it looks like this

WhatsApp Image 2023-06-21 at 13 08 44

there is a big difference in points distance and scale , the coordinate system for both is different if open 3D is X y z realsense has to be x,z,-y i need help in converting open3d X,y,z coordinates to scale according to realsense environment.

this is how it looks if i import the points directly without manipulating the coordinates. image

Thank you in Advance.

MartyG-RealSense commented 1 year ago

Which RealSense camera model are you using, please?

Most of the 400 Series models have a default Depth Unit Scale of 0.001. The D405 model has a default scale though of 0.01.

When RealSense data is used with a non-RealSense tool, the depth scale of the non-RealSense tool should be set to the same depth scale as the RealSense camera. Otherwise, there will be incorrect scaling such as a pointcloud being too small.

BIGINCHI commented 1 year ago

im using the D435i camera, sure ill try that. could you also share any references on how to play around with the scale and depth pointcloud of realsense. Thanks a Lot.

MartyG-RealSense commented 1 year ago

The default depth unit scale of a RealSense camera can be changed to a custom value with the RealSense SDK instruction rs.option.depth_units as demonstrated in Python code at

BIGINCHI commented 1 year ago

one last question, im saving the images of the realsense cloud point using

_cv2.imwrite('./out.png', colorimage)


what i want to include in the picture is an axes too which is within the cloud point


MartyG-RealSense commented 1 year ago

I researched your question but did not find a way to write axes onto an image when saving it, unfortunately.

BIGINCHI commented 1 year ago

I researched your question but did not find a way to write axes onto an image when saving it, unfortunately.

Thank you for the help. I have no further questions regarding this.

MartyG-RealSense commented 1 year ago

Thanks very much. As you have no further questions, I will close this case. Thanks again!