IntelRealSense / librealsense

Intel® RealSense™ SDK
Apache License 2.0
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No device connected(imshow example in wrappers) #13058

Closed Rhymakers closed 2 days ago

Rhymakers commented 1 week ago

Required Info
Camera Model { L515 }
Firmware Version (
Operating System & Version {ubuntu 22.04
Kernel Version (Linux Only) (6.5.0-41-generic)
Platform PC
SDK Version {2.54.2}
Language {C++, opnecv }
Segment {Robot }

Issue Description

When I create a build directory to run the imshow example, run cmake .., make, and then run the ./imshow command, the following error appears.

스크린샷 2024-06-20 10-31-24

  1. It is captured well in realsense-viewer, but what is the reason?

  2. Are there any examples that can be used when using multiple l515s?

  3. At first, I couldn't get realsense, so I modified the cmakelist as shown below. Is this correct? 스크린샷 2024-06-20 10-29-36

MartyG-RealSense commented 1 week ago

Hi @Rhymakers The RealSense OpenCV wrapper's example programs are built by building the RealSense SDK from source code with CMake and including the flag -DBUILD_CV_EXAMPLES=TRUE in the CMake build instruction.

Are you using the imshow code in a new project that you have created, please? If you are then doing so may result in necessary linkages to the librealsense library being absent from the CMakeLists.txt file.

A standalone C++ Getting Started project at the link below uses the same script as the rs-hello-realsense C++ example program but has a more complex CMakeLists.txt file than rs-hello-realsense. Reviewing the additional linkages in the Getting Started project's CMakeLists.txt may be helpful for you if you are attempting to get imshow's code working in a new project.

In regard to a multiple camera project, the RealSense SDK's rs-multicam C++ example should meet your needs. If you have built the SDK with example programs included then there should be a pre-built executable version of rs-multicam in your usr/local/bin Ubuntu folder.

Rhymakers commented 1 week ago

Thank you for your response. When I run rs-multicam in usr/local/bin, it works, or before it works, my laptop fails. I'm connecting several things, and I'm using a powered usb hub. This is even true for realsens-veiwer. The computer doesn't work when I do the same version in Windows, but in Ubuntu my computer stops while running a viewr or multicam example. Why is that?

MartyG-RealSense commented 1 week ago

Does it make a difference if you launch Ubuntu programs in sudo admin permissions mode, such as sudo realsense-viewer and sudo rs-multicam

Rhymakers commented 1 week ago

Unfortunately, it's the same. My laptop is Lenovo Legion Slim 7i 16 Gen 8.

MartyG-RealSense commented 1 week ago

What other devices are connected to your laptop, please? Are any of them wireless USB devices such as a wireless mouse? If you do have wireless devices, does the computer behave better if they are unplugged?

Rhymakers commented 5 days ago

Unfortunately, it's the same. but It works well realsense-viewer in Windows.

MartyG-RealSense commented 4 days ago

Which OpenCV version are you using, please? The RealSense OpenCV wrapper's example programs such as imshow were designed for use with OpenCV 3.4.

Rhymakers commented 2 days ago

Well, first of all, it works by lowering the sdk version to 2.53.1! In the 2.54.2 version, the example l515 example processing code doesn't work. Thank you for your help.

MartyG-RealSense commented 2 days ago

You are very welcome. Thanks very much for the update. :)