IntelRealSense / librealsense

Intel® RealSense™ SDK
Apache License 2.0
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Invalid Value Error #13062

Open willronan opened 1 week ago

willronan commented 1 week ago
librealsense 2.38.1 RELEASE
OS Linux
Name Intel RealSense D435
Serial Number 051122073760
Firmware Version
Advanced Mode YES
Camera Locked YES
Usb Type Descriptor 3.2
Product Line D400
Asic Serial Number 045223020487
Firmware Update Id 045223020487

Please provide a description of the problem

When I plug in the camera and open RealSense-Viewer I get no output other than this error. The stereo module and rgb camera switches are start set to off, when I turn them on I do get the output. Before experiencing this issue the camera output would be displayed as soon as i opened the app. This is a problem because I am using the camera for an embedded system and now when I try to access the camera output I get nothing in return.

"Invalid Value in rs2_get_option(options:0x7f70001890, option:Emitter On Off): hwmon command 0x7d( 0 0 0 0 ) failed (response -21= No data to return)"

MartyG-RealSense commented 1 week ago

Hi @willronan The camera firmware driver version is designed for use with RealSense SDK / Viewer version 2.54.1. Using a modern firmware with old SDK or Viewer versions such as 2.38.1 may result in errors. The firmware version recommended for 2.38.1 is

MartyG-RealSense commented 1 day ago

Hi @willronan Do you require further assistance with this case, please? Thanks!