IntelRealSense / librealsense

Intel® RealSense™ SDK
Apache License 2.0
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pyrealsense2 #13087

Open mrortach opened 3 days ago

mrortach commented 3 days ago

\yolov10modelx\librealsense\wrappers\python> & C:/python.exe d:// Traceback (most recent call last): File "\", line 1, in import pyrealsense2 as rs **", line 2, in from .pyrealsense2 import ImportError: DLL load failed while importing pyrealsense2: Belirtilen modül bulunamadı (The specified module was not found).

init py

py libs (pyd/so) should be copied to pyrealsense2 folder from ._version import version


MartyG-RealSense commented 3 days ago

Hi @mrortach I recall that you are building the pyrealsense2 wrapper from source code because you need to use it with Python 3.12 and it is not yet supported by the 'pip install pyrealsense2' package installation method. Python 3.12 support will be added in the next librealsense SDK release after 2.55.1, as announced at

You currently need to build the wrapper from source code for 3.12 and experienced this error message py libs (pyd/so) should be copied to pyrealsense2 folder. The Python wrapper documentation at the link below advises in its Windows instructions to copy the two files realsense2.dll and pyrealsense2.pyd into the same directory that your pyrealsense2 program script is in.

If you have installed the full RealSense SDK using the Intel.RealSense.SDK-WIN10 installer file then you can find a pre-built realsense2.dll at the location below:

C: > Program Files (x86) > Intel RealSense SDK 2.0 > bin > x64

This folder also contains a pre-built pyrealsense2.pyd file but it is only compatible with Python 3.7, so you will need to use the pyrealsense2.pyd file generated for Python 3.12 after you have built the wrapper.

eufrizz commented 3 days ago

My PR should fix this by actually installing pyrealsense2