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Intel® RealSense™ SDK
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D455 shows reddish color in RGB image when there is sunlight #7155

Closed vijujames closed 3 years ago

vijujames commented 4 years ago

The new D455 shows red color in the image when there is sunlight. See the attached picture. This was taken around 3pm with the camera facing West. Is there a setting that needs to be changed, or, is it a hardware issue? (This does not happen with D435 and D435i)

Screenshot from 2020-08-21 15-52-04

MartyG-RealSense commented 1 year ago

I don't believe so, but another way to check would be to look at the supported IMU frequencies in the RealSense Viewer's Motion Module section. Modern D455s have a changed IMU component that supports frequencies of '100' Accel and '200' Gyro. Older models with the original IMU component do not have these speeds and instead support '63' Accel and '200' Gyro. So if your camera supports 100 Accel, it should be a modern unit.

MAVProxyUser commented 1 year ago

Thanks! That is useful information.

JoeGames21 commented 1 year ago

Hello, have there been any updates on this? I am using an Intel Realsense D455 for an outdoor robot and I am seeing purple in the corner. Seems worse on concrete. Thank you.

MAVProxyUser commented 1 year ago

@JoeGames21 the update is, stop using Realsense, move to Luxonis. Don't look back.

MartyG-RealSense commented 1 year ago

Hi @JoeGames21 This pink / purple RGB color hue issue was not a bug but a characteristic of the D455 camera hardware. A RealSense team member advises at why it occurs.

Whilst it is a hardware design characteristic and not a fault, D455 units manufactured after early 2022 have a design tweak that addresses the issue. So any D455 purchased now will have that revision.

For further information about this D455 phenomenon, please download Intel's Specification Clarification PDF document using the link below and read the D455 RGB Camera In Bright Sunlight section on the final page of the document.

The guidance suggests use of an ND filter product as a potential solution, or increasing the RGB's FPS speed (for example, 60 FPS at 848x480 resolution).

JoeGames21 commented 1 year ago

@MartyG-RealSense Thanks for responding. Does that mean if I bought a new D455 that the purple issue will be gone? Is there a way to update my current camera, or do I have to get the ND Filter product you recommend? Thank you!

MartyG-RealSense commented 1 year ago

The filter is a physical product so it would have to be purchased and attached to the outside of the camera. Rubber bands wrapped around the camera casing should be sufficient to hold the filter in place.

I would recommend trying the filter before purchasing a new D455, as I could not guarantee how the camera will perform in your specific environment's lighting conditions.

First though, please try increasing FPS to 60 to see if it resolves the issue without the need to purchase a filter.

matheusSynkar commented 1 year ago

@JoeGames21 , we proved with visual evidence that the issue can be solved by software but Intel appears don't want to correct it. The way is move to other supplier as @MAVProxyUser suggested.

JoeGames21 commented 11 months ago

Thank you for all of your replies! Which Luxonis can match the D455 performance? And how reliable is the SDK for robotics? We spent a lot of money on the Intel and it has been integrated with our systems and codebase. It performs very well except this purple issue. We really liked D435 before and were very happy with Intel... What changed between cameras?

For now, we ordered some Starwave filters which seem to work good. No purple, for now... - Can we expect any updates from Intel or should we have to buy more filters in the future for all our cams?