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Two L515 HW Sync master/slave #7372

Closed finde closed 3 years ago

finde commented 3 years ago

Required Info
Camera Model L515
Firmware Version
Operating System & Version Win 10
Platform PC / Surface Pro
SDK Version 2.38.1
Language C


My current setup only requires two lidars (L515) + a tracker (T265), attached to a moving object. I am looking for a Master/Slave settings without an external trigger. I am using two lidars at the same time to extend the FOV of depth sensors. The current bottleneck of the setup is the synchronization between two lidars.

Issue Description

1. External Trigger

In the white paper (, you mentioned:

For multi-camera case, an external signal generator should be used as the master trigger with all cameras set to slave mode. The trigger voltage amplitude should be @3.3V, and the first frame is triggered on the positive (rising) pulse edge ...

Q: Can it work without using an external trigger?

2. Multi-Camera Programming

In the white paper, you have r.get_device().query_sensors().front().set_option(RS2_OPTION_INTER_CAM_SYNC_MODE, 1.f);

Q: Is this also applied the same to all lidar? Does it suppose to make the lidar become a "slave"?

I checked the D400 (ds-private.h), it written:

        enum inter_cam_sync_mode
            INTERCAM_SYNC_DEFAULT    = 0,
            INTERCAM_SYNC_MASTER     = 1,
            INTERCAM_SYNC_SLAVE      = 2,
            INTERCAM_SYNC_MAX        = 258 // 4-258 are for Genlock with burst count of 1-255 frames for each trigger

I guess this is not the same case for L515.

RealSenseSupport commented 3 years ago

Hi @finde

That is correct. You must use an external trigger for L515 and each camera must have it's option set (slave) separately.


finde commented 3 years ago

I see, thank you for the answer