IntelRealSense / librealsense

Intel® RealSense™ SDK
Apache License 2.0
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Aligning RGB to depth without rectified stream #91

Closed ChrisN-987 closed 8 years ago

ChrisN-987 commented 8 years ago
Required Info
Camera Model R200
Firmware Version
Operating System & Version Windows 10
Build System VS2013

I want to use RGB images to map onto a 3D model I am creating. Of course, I need to align the RGB images to the depth camera before projecting onto the model.

I understand I can use the rectified stream but I want to keep the original images and I would rather rectify at a later stage when the device is not connected (ideally). Also I would rather not save both unrectified and rectified.

I tried applying the rotation+translation from the colour to depth extrinsics on the unrectified but the mapping is off. I don't seem to be able to access the functions that do the rectification. What would be the best way to approach this?

leonidk commented 8 years ago

For the R200, there's two things that involve rectification. Which one do you want to be unrectified? And which coordinate system are you mapping to and from?


  1. First, the Left and Right cameras. (Infared and Infared2) They require rectification enabled if you want to get depth. This rectification is done in hardware.
  2. Second, the RGB camera. This is rectified in software, and the alignment code assumes mapping to a rectified stream. The code for this is in src/Image.cpp Mapping depth to an unrectified RGB stream is possible, but requires building an interpolated inverse table and currently isn't available in this library.
ChrisN-987 commented 8 years ago

So I am using PCL to get the pose of the depth camera. I then want to transform the RGB image so I can use the image as a texture for my model from the depth camera viewpoint.

tensorfreitas commented 8 years ago

Using the device extrinsics you know what color pixels correspond to each PointCloud Point. You want a textured mesh/PointCloud like the one presented in the examples ?

Or do you want to use all the image over the 3D model ? If it that i guess you have to create your own code...

ChrisN-987 commented 8 years ago

I can create a coloured point cloud using the extrinsics as you mention. What I want to do is the same as the 3D scanning in the RealSense SDK by laying multiple images over a model.

I can already create the model and overlay the images using PCL and it's texture mesh capabilities. In there you define a camera and give it an image and it will texture. The issue is working out what to define as the camera. I know the 3D position of the depth camera and I can get the 3D position of the RGB camera by translating. But the image still does not map correctly because of the RGB distortion. I want to undistort that RGB image offline and lay it onto my model from the position of the depth sensor so it all matches up.

leonidk commented 8 years ago

The 3D scanning technique used in the RealSense SDK does several things, including smoothing the data and capturing it from multiple viewpoints. It's not just a single-view textured mesh.

because of the RGB distortion

librealsense can correct for the distortion and pull it back to a pinhole projection model, with no distortion or rotation relative to the depth sensor, by enabling RS_STREAM_RECTIFIED_COLOR. The code for doing this is in src/Image.cpp if you want to pull RS_STREAM_COLOR and do it yourself offline.

lay it onto my model from the position of the depth sensor

There's a few ways to do this, but I'd recommend using the color camera as the reference frame, and using RS_STREAM_RECTIFIED_COLOR and RS_STREAM_DEPTH_ALIGNED_TO_RECTIFIED_COLOR to get images that are from the same viewpoint, and both follow the same pinhole projection (that of the rectified color stream). Both of these transformations are done in software, and the code is in the library, so you can pull the raw streams and do the transformation offline if you wish.

Jowizo commented 7 years ago

I too am trying to get aligned color and depth images when i change the streams to RS_STREAM_RECTIFIED_COLOR and RS_STREAM_DEPTH_ALIGNED_TO_RECTIFIED_COLOR i get the error rs_enable_stream(device:0x7ff4fe0cf420, stream:RECTIFIED_COLOR, width:640, height:480, format:RGB8, framerate:60) crashed with: argument "stream" must be a native stream Any idea whats going on?

leonidk commented 7 years ago

You should request a native stream (color/depth) but when you get_frame_data() you can request the rectified streams

Jowizo commented 7 years ago

@leonidk it worked!!! Thank a million!! Do you know if there is a way to rectify existing unaligned images (color and depth)?

leonidk commented 7 years ago

The code path for it is in software. See /examples/cpp-tutorial-3-pointcloud.cpp for an example

casiopeia2 commented 7 years ago

Map from pixel coordinates in the depth image to pixel coordinates in the color image: As written on the below website (sorry that the site is only but in jp however i am sure u are smart enough to figure what is going on)

and according to the official kinect 2 docs provided @

this seems to be the way how it is implemented in kinect case.

Now I would like to do the very same thing in realsense, or better to say librealsense. I have found couple of examples already done, and just paste here an code excert:

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Called every frame gets the data from streams and displays them using OpenCV. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool display_next_frame() { _depth_intrin = _rs_camera.get_stream_intrinsics(rs::stream::depth); _color_intrin = _rs_camera.get_stream_intrinsics(rs::stream::color);

rs::extrinsics depth_to_color = _rs_camera.get_extrinsics(rs::stream::depth, rs::stream::color);

cv::Mat depth16(_depth_intrin.height, _depth_intrin.width, CV_16U, (uchar *)_rs_camera.get_frame_data(rs::stream::depth)); // Create depth image
cv::Mat rgb(_color_intrin.height, _color_intrin.width, CV_8UC3, (uchar *)_rs_camera.get_frame_data(rs::stream::color)); // Create color image                                                                                                                       
cv::Mat ir(_color_intrin.height, _color_intrin.width, CV_8UC1, (uchar *)_rs_camera.get_frame_data(rs::stream::infrared2));     // Creating OpenCV matrix from IR image

cv::Mat color_aligned_to_depth(_color_intrin.height, _color_intrin.width, CV_8UC3, (uchar *)_rs_camera.get_frame_data(rs::stream::color_aligned_to_depth));   
cv::namedWindow("color_aligned_to_depth IR Image", cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
imshow("color_aligned_to_depth IR Image", color_aligned_to_depth);

const uint16_t * depth_image_ = (const uint16_t *)_rs_camera.get_frame_data(rs::stream::depth);

float scale = _rs_camera.get_depth_scale();

for (int dy = 0; dy < _depth_intrin.height; ++dy)
    for (int dx = 0; dx < _depth_intrin.width; ++dx)
        // Retrieve the 16-bit depth value and map it into a depth in meters
        uint16_t depth_value = depth_image_[dy * _depth_intrin.width + dx];
        float depth_in_meters = depth_value * scale;

        // Skip over pixels with a depth value of zero, which is used to indicate no data
        if (depth_value == 0) continue;

        // Map from pixel coordinates in the depth image to pixel coordinates in the color image
        rs::float2 depth_pixel = { (float)dx, (float)dy };
        rs::float3 depth_point = _depth_intrin.deproject(depth_pixel, depth_in_meters);
        rs::float3 color_point = depth_to_color.transform(depth_point);
        rs::float2 color_pixel = _color_intrin.project(color_point);

        // myfile << depth_point.x << '\t' << depth_point.y << '\t' << depth_point.z << endl;

Do you consider

// Map from pixel coordinates in the depth image to pixel coordinates in the color image rs::float2 depth_pixel = { (float)dx, (float)dy }; rs::float3 depth_point = _depth_intrin.deproject(depth_pixel, depth_in_meters); rs::float3 color_point = depth_to_color.transform(depth_point); rs::float2 color_pixel = _color_intrin.project(color_point);

based on your knowledge and experience that this is the right way to implement do this ?

manyaafonso commented 6 years ago

@leonidk , the most recent version of librealsense does not seem to have the example /examples/cpp-tutorial-3-pointcloud.cpp . Also, where can I find the executable objects? I followed the instructions for linux from the file