IntelRealSense / meta-intel-realsense

Yocto layer for realsense-sdk and librealsense
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Request to add var to .bb files with repo address to allow providing fork/other protocol to download #17

Closed aalexanderr closed 4 years ago

aalexanderr commented 4 years ago

Many corporate entities filter out much of the network movement - e.g. ssh, git. With ssh there is workaround but I haven't found a workaround for the git protocol.

Would it be possible to add some variable that could be overwriten? Here is excerpt from what I've seen on "YP DevDay NA 2016: Introduction" presentation:

SRC_URI = "${GNU_MIRROR}/bc/bc-${PV}.tar.gz \
           file://fix-segment-fault.patch "

Giving ability to use self-hosted forks or different protocol to download those files.

I'm pretty new to this whole yocto thing so it is highly possible I haven't found a solution that already is in place... If that's the case I'd appreciate a push in right direction :)

For now I have just modified the original recipe but it is dirty way of approaching it.

aalexanderr commented 4 years ago

checked a bit more, seems like there is no explicit urls on master branch. I'm using rocko branch now which has them... and as I checked pull requests it seems it will only receive security updates... anyway I'm leaving it open hoping for a potential solution that is already here?

aalexanderr commented 4 years ago

ok, so the issue was poor (user specific problem) rather than prj/repo problem, but knowing that intel is gold member of yocto i hoped there were some "yocto way" to fix this (as mirrors and corp firewalls were mentioned a lot in docs i read about yocto)... when the solution was to just force git to use https instead of git... git config --global url. git://

sorry for unnecessary issue.