IntelSDM / 7DTD

7 Days To Die Hack And Cheat
The Unlicense
53 stars 31 forks source link

I need some help #13

Closed Nick403 closed 5 months ago

Nick403 commented 11 months ago

Game crashes when started with cheat, as i'm kinda new to this type of cheating, I wanna try implement a simple way to do it in assembly file, is there any way ? I would like to talk about it more on discord, could you drop the name or smt to get in contact ?

IntelSDM commented 10 months ago

Sorry for the late response, If it is instantly crashing I advise you to recompile the binaries from the source to use the most up-to-date DLLs from the game as reference. If you want to make an all-in-one patching tool then you will need to use a tool like DNLib, It would be rather difficult and honestly not worth the time. The patching process was used to bypass EAC, this still works on Linux EAC but on Windows, it is now patched so I advise you to look into a mono injector if you want to use it on Windows.

Nick403 commented 10 months ago

No problem, as I am at the beginning and I made the edits in the assembly...dll. I wanted to understand the full functionality and possibly learn from someone who knows and can help me with problems encountered with your "cheat" and in general game hacking based on dlls because I did not find a detailed course on this topic

IntelSDM commented 10 months ago

If you want to learn more about Windows and PE to understand the functionality of DLLs and dynamic linking as well as address spaces and memory management then you should pick up Windows Internals Part 1 Game hacking is a complicated topic and there is no other way to learn than jumping into the deep end. That being said 7 days to die isn't a good game to start with; It is by far one of the most poorly coded games known to man.

That being said if you have any bugs or issues with the cheat you can just post them here with a screenshot and explanation of how it occurred and I can help.

Nick403 commented 9 months ago

By using your code to place the health bar next to entity:

Vector3 vector3 = AdminESP.WorldPointToScreenPoint(entityEnemy.transform.position);
Vector3 vector4 = AdminESP.WorldPointToScreenPoint(entityEnemy.emodel.GetHeadTransform().position);
float num3 = Mathf.Abs(vector4.y - vector3.y);
float x = vector3.x - num3 * 0.3f;
float y = vector4.y;

The health bar is next to the entity but it is not on fixed ammount, if i change the camera, the X value is either in middle of entity or far away, is a fix for that ?

albator122 commented 7 months ago

Cheat is incredible bro, it still work on linux today ?

Nick403 commented 7 months ago

I made own version from it so idk of original works on linux

IntelSDM commented 5 months ago

The Original wont work on linux out of the box. It requires some work.