Intelehealth / intelehealth-fhw-mobileapp

Intelehealth's FHWs Mobile App
Mozilla Public License 2.0
34 stars 48 forks source link

SAMS logo to be placed on the splash screen #737

Closed raunaqp closed 4 years ago

raunaqp commented 5 years ago

Login/ Splash Screen: 1- Based on the license entered in set-up, The icons are all dowloaded from the server with the mind maps using the mm API, in a zip file with the mind maps (extract the logo from the zip file, placed inside drawables- option 2). In the login/splash activity, a logic is written to display the icon based on the deployment value in shared preference. Note: First time on setting the app, the icon showed is that of Intelehealth. On the mm server - add a UI option to upload logo