IntelligenceModding / Advanced-Peripherals-Features

A place for the feature request for Advanced Peripherals
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Inventorio compatibility #14

Open RedBugGamer opened 1 year ago

RedBugGamer commented 1 year ago

Describe your idea

The feature would allow you to interact with the extra slots from Inventorio using an inventory manger and disable the vanilla minecraft offhand slot because it is replaced by Inventorio. The inventory manager peripheral would also need a method that returns 0 -3 depending on the level of the "Deep Pockets" enchantment/the number of added rows to the player inventory. 0 means obviously none. The way you would acces these other slots would be to just input a slot number(larger then the amount of vanilla slots) the same way but in the background redirect it to the Inventorio NBT tag and from there to the desired container.

Describe alternatives you've considered if you've any

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Additional context

Inventorio is a mod that expands the players Inventory. There is an enchantment "Deep Pockets" for leggings that, depending on the level, can add 1-3 extra rows to the inventory. Then there is a hotbar like version of the offhand and extra slots for each tool. All those containers are stored under the "Inventorio" tag in the player NBT which is why the inventory manager can't acces those.

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