IntelligenceModding / Advanced-Peripherals-Features

A place for the feature request for Advanced Peripherals
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Tinker's Construct doesn't count as a digging tool #15

Open ZeekDaGeek opened 1 year ago

ZeekDaGeek commented 1 year ago


Tinker's Construct can't be used with Automata's .digBlock()

A possible suggestion would be checking if the #tconstruct:harvest/stone tag exists? Might be a little bit weird since there's no specific one for harvest/wood, but all mining tools seem to have harvest/primary

SirEndii commented 1 year ago

It's hard to support all tools without destroying the special use or the abilities of them

But that will be improved!

zyxkad commented 11 months ago

Anytools that are not vanilla is not count, such as pnC, mekas. Maybe we have to compare the tool's dig level?