IntelligenceModding / Advanced-Peripherals-Features

A place for the feature request for Advanced Peripherals
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GeoScanner get position relative to orientation #19

Open Veldrovive opened 1 year ago

Veldrovive commented 1 year ago

Describe your idea

Since the geo scanner uses offsets in the true directions instead of local coordinates, if a turtle is mapping its environment with the geo scanner while moving and does not know its true orientation it is unable to tell which direction it is moving in the scan it just made. This seems counter to the general philosophy of computercraft which usually uses a local coordinate system for turtles so moving forward moves in the direction the turtle is facing and not in the +x direction.

I see that for the block version of the geo scanner this would not make much sense since the block is not directional.

In order to make it easier to perform mapping while moving as a turtle, I would love to see an option in the scan command to rotate the block positions to be in line with local coordinates instead of global coordinates.

Describe alternatives you've considered if you've any

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zyxkad commented 2 months ago

Now you get compass turtle, so is this still necessary?