IntelligenceModding / Advanced-Peripherals-Features

A place for the feature request for Advanced Peripherals
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[Feature Request] Allow Smart Glasses to teleport player into a virtual dimension which controlled by CC script #3

Open zyxkad opened 9 months ago

zyxkad commented 9 months ago

Describe your idea

This feature is for people who want to create easy 3D games in minecraft (what?)
Basically, there are two ways to implement it:

  1. Glasses will mixin on the client World class, it do nothing on the server or other players client (other players can see and interact the player who are using the Glasses normally). So it's actually a VR goggle.
  2. Glasses will create a new dimension, and teleport the Glasses player into the dimension. And computer will operate the dimension. So what will happen is when player using the glasses he/she will disappear from the world. maybe we have to add another block(s) called VR Station (which may require FE or fuel) to make it more normal and avoid randomly teleport.
SirEndii commented 9 months ago

A complete VR Mode will probably not happen, that's just too much I'll add it to the list anyways