IntelligenceModding / Advanced-Peripherals-Features

A place for the feature request for Advanced Peripherals
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Add Terminal/Monitor Drawing Font to AR Goggles text functions. #45

Open KMorris29 opened 2 years ago

KMorris29 commented 2 years ago

Describe your idea

CC tweaked has a number of special characters that are alternatives to standard ASCII. These alternatives are available through the string.char(0-255) function. The characters are defined in this texture atlas (if viewed in light mode, it looks like a blank screen, but it's there). Meanwhile, when the AR glasses are given these characters to print, the majority are different, especially the 129-159 range.

Describe alternatives you've considered if you've any

Olfi01's paint program allows you to draw characters with individual pixels. However, it is difficult to do this programmatically.

Additional context

This would allow, among other things, a port of Wojbie's BigFont API to be properly made for the goggles.

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