IntelligenceModding / Advanced-Peripherals-Features

A place for the feature request for Advanced Peripherals
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AR Goggles Polygon & Non axis locked lines #53

Open jig487 opened 2 years ago

jig487 commented 2 years ago

Describe your idea

The ability to draw polygons and non axis locked lines would make creating graphics infinitely better. Instead of having to draw a fill rectangle for each pixel of a graphic, I can just make a polygon! Same with lines.

Describe alternatives you've considered if you've any

Drawing whatever I want 1 pixel at a time using the fill rectangle.

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SirEndii commented 2 years ago

Will be a part of the AR Goggles rework

ramonGonzEdu commented 2 years ago

This would also allow for easy 3d rendering since we could project triangles

jig487 commented 2 years ago

This would also allow for easy 3d rendering since we could project triangles ;) (WIP)