IntelligenceModding / Advanced-Peripherals-Features

A place for the feature request for Advanced Peripherals
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[Feature Request] Add Transparent or semi transparent Monitors #6

Open G4PLS opened 10 months ago

G4PLS commented 10 months ago

Describe your idea

Glass like Monitors that can display the same content as the Monitors / Advanced Monitors in CC:T

Describe alternatives you've considered if you've any

I was not able to see or find any alternative solutions to this

Additional context

Like in the description said those monitors should be transparent or semi transparent. Having Glass or even Glass Pane like monitors could be a way to get more stunning looking builds. The overall functionality should be the same as the normal monitors in CC:T. They may or may not be also colored in different ways like normal glass would

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zyxkad commented 10 months ago

I would like you open this feature request on CC:T, but not on this project because the author said he won't work on monitors change

SirEndii commented 10 months ago

Yeah, I will not work on new monitors Maybe in the far future But to be fair, adding/changing the model/texture of the monitors would be a far simpler thing than adding new features to them

aiden100a commented 3 months ago

this would be cool if you could do the following: term.setTranparency(50)