IntelligenceModding / Advanced-Peripherals-Features

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Add config option that allows the Chat Box to send messages without prefix, and lower minimum cooldown #63

Open r3Fuze opened 7 months ago

r3Fuze commented 7 months ago

Describe your idea

A config option that allows the Chat Box message prefix to be disabled.

Disabling the prefix obviously means that the Chat Box can be used to impersonate players and other chat events, so this option should come with a large warning that explains the consequences and that it should only be disabled on a trusted and private server.

My use-case is for things like like typing $2 + 2 in chat and having the Chat Box respond with = 4. The prefix doesn't make this impossible, but it gets in the way and messes with alignment of multi-line messages, for example:

[AP] 2 + 2
= 4


2 + 2
= 4

I am playing on a private server with a single friend, and sometimes singleplayer, so impersonation is no issue there.

The other suggestion is to allow the chat cooldown to be less than 1 second. This of course allows for spamming if too low, but again, private servers, and I feel like server admins understand the consequences.

Describe alternatives you've considered if you've any

My current solution is to set defaultChatBoxPrefix to a blank string, and in every message set the brackets to " " (2 spaces).

Then I either start the message with a newline so there is a blank line in the chat and then the rest of the message, or prefix every line in the message with 3 spaces to line up with the blank space the prefix left behind due to the brackets being spaces.

Workarounds for the current 1 second chat cooldown could be to connect multiple Chat Boxes and if a sent message returns a cooldown error, simply use another connected Chat Box.

I haven't tried this yet, but it sounds like it should work.

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