IntelligenceModding / Advanced-Peripherals-Features

A place for the feature request for Advanced Peripherals
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[Suggestion] Add a Chunk Controller combined with Ender modem #69

Open Shinnonda opened 5 months ago

Shinnonda commented 5 months ago

Describe your idea

Make a craft recipe that basically combine the ender modem with the Chunk Controller into one item, making possible to have one slot free for other tools.

Describe alternatives you've considered if you've any

I've been doing a lot of experiments with websocket and other a little havier code experiments with it to a streamer friend, and i realized how much not having more than two equip slots on turtles make things complicated or not working properly since we also have to deal with minecraft server issues and other things.

Since the turtles mostly need a modem to make GPS work and a Chunky Controller to not stop unload around the world, this already fills both equip slots, so no pickaxe or any other tool can be equipped.

For now i tried to reorganizing how i use turtle's inventory to sort a small amount of slots as "hotbar" and make it alternate the modem to a tool, use and put the modem back, problem is that this basically make me code a bunch of workarounds to work most of the time, and if the server lags or crash for any reason in the middle of this process just make too inconsistent to know what happend.

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