IntelligenceModding / Advanced-Peripherals-Features

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Support narration through the Chat Box #74

Open djmattyg007 opened 2 months ago

djmattyg007 commented 2 months ago

Describe your idea

The Supplementaries mod has a "speaker" that lets you broadcast a message on a redstone pulse. This message can be broadcast as a chat message, a status message, a title message, or a narration. It would be nice if the Advanced Peripherals chatbox could also support narration, so that we can dynamically create narrated messages.

Describe alternatives you've considered if you've any

I don't know of a good way to dynamically program the Supplementaries speaker box

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zyxkad commented 2 months ago

What narration? Isn't narration automatically triggered when client enabled?

zyxkad commented 2 months ago

Don't get your idea, can you explain more?

zyxkad commented 2 months ago

If you just want sound, CC:T has a speaker. If you want broadcast narration, narration should be played when client enabled chat narration and you send a chat message.

djmattyg007 commented 2 months ago

I'm not trying to play random sounds. I'd like the ability to do text-to-speech through the narration system, without explicitly having vanilla Minecraft narration enabled. The Supplementaries speaker box allows you to do this, but I'd like the ability to do it with Computercraft because it's more dynamic. It might be worth taking a look at the Supplementaries mod to understand more of what I mean.

zyxkad commented 2 months ago

but I'd like the ability to do it with Computercraft because it's more dynamic.

You can absolutely play text sounds use computercraft speaker, someone made the script

djmattyg007 commented 2 months ago

Could you please provide some information on how to do it?

djmattyg007 commented 2 months ago

According to the documentation, there is no support for narration in the computercraft speaker:

So I'm very confused as to what you're referring to.

Einhornyordle commented 2 months ago

Not built in, but CC has a fully working http API With that you can use pretty much every API the internet has to offer, from fetching the current weather to chatting with ChatGPT. Therefore, to realize what you're trying to do, just use a TTS API, send your text to it, fetch the response (the spoken audio) and play it via the speaker.

SirEndii commented 2 months ago

I've added this request to the AP project, and I probably will add this feature to the next major version