IntelligenceModding / Advanced-Peripherals-Features

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pick_block event for inventory manager #80

Open superjaja05 opened 5 months ago

superjaja05 commented 5 months ago

Describe your idea

I'd like to have a "pick_block" event that would trigger when a player (in this case, the inventory manager's owner) uses the "Pick Block" keybind on something

For example, it would allow to automatically grab the blocks from a ME system, then push it into the player's hand using inventory manager

I think the event values should look like this: event_name \, block_id \ or block_data \

, is_present \ (this would be true if the block is already in the player's inventory/hand/backpack (if soph backpack+refill upgrade) etc, and false if not present),

Describe alternatives you've considered if any

Couldn't really think of anything else that would be as practical as this

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zyxkad commented 2 months ago

This should be implemented on smart glasses better than inventory manager

superjaja05 commented 2 months ago

No i think it should be on the inventory manager, since the main use of picking blocks is putting them in the inventory anyway, and smart glasses aren't implemented yet

Smart glass would add a pointless layer of complexity, requiring the glasses to send out a signal to an external computer to do the inventory stuff

zyxkad commented 2 months ago

inventoryManager is mainly used for operate inventories but not detecting player actions. where smartglasses will be able to check keybinds and the block looking for, and makes more sense.

The complexity or limit is also the fun of programming imo

superjaja05 commented 2 months ago

Well i'd rather see such a useful feature sooner than later, and locking it behind something that doesn't exist yet is not great for that Even if its later moved to smartglasses, i think it'd be better to have it on inv managers until then

And keybinds wouldn't be good enough, a real "pick_block" event directly interacting with the pick block feature would be a lot better here Some things have special interactions with pick-block button, for example Create's copycat blocks gives you the camouflage block, not the copycat itself (unless sneaking) with mobs it selects the spawn egg, with item frames it selects the framed item etc

Sure people could do their own compat, but you just end up with a 10mb program from having to add special exceptions for every single mods with special pick-block interactions and every single mobs with abnormal spawn eggs etc

zyxkad commented 2 months ago

And keybinds wouldn't be good enough, a real "pick_block" event directly interacting with the pick block feature would be a lot better here

Yes this is a reasonable feature to smartglass (but should be on with the keybind upgrade). So the only difference is you need to forward the pick_block event from smartglass to your base, through websocket or wireless modem.

zyxkad commented 2 months ago

Well i'd rather see such a useful feature sooner than later, and locking it behind something that doesn't exist yet is not great for that Even if its later moved to smartglasses, i think it'd be better to have it on inv managers until then

In fact we are stopping add features to 0.7 (tho pick_block should not be a big deal, but we'll see if we have time). 0.8 is a little bit far yes, but you can compile your own version (and use at your own risk)

superjaja05 commented 2 months ago

The main issue with adding it to smartglasses is that it will take much longer to get implemented because now it relies on another much more complicated feature to add. Instead of just temporarily adding it to the inv manager until smart glasses are released properly.

And "compiling your own version" isn't really an option, lots of people play on servers including me, so installing an unstable version of a mod is not possible.

zyxkad commented 2 months ago

The main issue with adding it to smartglasses is that it will take much longer to get implemented because now it relies on another much more complicated feature to add.

Yes, I can see your point. However, I can tell that the main framework of smartglasses is almost done. And a fact is, any features did not implemented in 0.7 will eventually adds to 0.8 or later, that will only be released when smartglasses is done :/

Instead of just temporarily adding it to the inv manager until smart glasses are released properly.

Temporarily add a feature is not an option, we should keep the backward compatibility as much as possible.