IntelligenceModding / Advanced-Peripherals-Features

A place for the feature request for Advanced Peripherals
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JEI Integrator #82

Open tizu69 opened 1 month ago

tizu69 commented 1 month ago

Describe your idea

A turtle addon (that fits into the slot) that accepts an array of items & counts (script can pick if user's inv should also be valid inputs) and an array of recipe types, and lets the user's JEI know this. auto-insertion will be unlocked depending on this, and will be inserted into the first 3x3 slots, OR an event, depending on the config

Describe alternatives you've considered if any


Additional context

  ["available"] = {
    ["minecraft:stick"] = 20, -- 20 sticks can be used for crafting
  ["recipeTypes"] = {
  ["acceptInventoryItems"] = true,
  ["insertInto"] = "event", -- could be used to pull resources from the system

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zyxkad commented 1 month ago

what do you want to archive use this?

zyxkad commented 1 month ago

It sounds good, but this idea is a bit off what CC:T or AP should do

tizu69 commented 1 month ago

mainly storage systems, so that you don't have to manually search for the items in it if u wanna craft a recipe but don't have it automated