IntelligenceModding / Advanced-Peripherals-Features

A place for the feature request for Advanced Peripherals
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Allow to read entities full NBT by a peripheral like NBT reader #84

Closed zyxkad closed 1 month ago

zyxkad commented 1 month ago

Describe your idea (If you have more than one idea, please open the rest in other issues)

BlockReader can give us the specific details for any blocks, however, it can't operate with entities. EnvironmentDetector can scan entities but only give limited informations.

Therefore, I want some thing to transfer the usage from blockReader to lookup entities, and give us more specific information about target entity.

(The idea is coming when I want to check if the villager are selling specific things automaticly)

Describe alternatives you've considered if any

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Additional context

I do not know if it is better to create another peripheral named "Entity Reader" or add a method to environment detector / blockReader? Or even put that on harvest automata core?


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SirEndii commented 1 month ago

There is a discussion in how we want to implement a more complex entity api

zyxkad commented 1 month ago

That PR seems get abandoned

SirEndii commented 1 month ago

That PR seems get abandoned

yeah, but the code base looks good-ish I wanted to take over that pr at one point, if no one else does it

zyxkad commented 1 month ago

Okay, but better give him/her a deadline for getting inactivated/disconnected. I think one month from now is reasonable.

lonevox commented 3 days ago

I've picked it up again. Should be ready within the next few days.