IntelligentDDS / Nezha

The implementation of multimodal observability data root cause analysis approach Nezha in FSE 2023
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Reproducibility matter #3

Closed phamquiluan closed 8 months ago

phamquiluan commented 8 months ago

Hi my idol @yuxiaoba :smile:

I've been trying to reproduce the results of Nezha on Hister shop. I followed the instructions carefully to install the environment, but unable to reproduce the results. I have attached here the results I got.


I see other people also have the number exactly like me (

I'm wondering whether you have met this problem before (and how did you solve it?). I know you're busy, but please help when you have time. Much appreciate! :smile:

yuxiaoba commented 8 months ago

Hi luan, thanks you feed back. I will try to reproduce this bug in a new server and fix it in next week.

yuxiaoba commented 8 months ago

Hi, luan, I have update code and test it in a new server. I get the consistent result with our previous reuslt.


Can you show more log information in running phase?

molujia commented 8 months ago

Hi my idol @yuxiaoba 😄

I've been trying to reproduce the results of Nezha on Hister shop. I followed the instructions carefully to install the environment, but unable to reproduce the results. I have attached here the results I got.


I see other people also have the number exactly like me (#1)

I'm wondering whether you have met this problem before (and how did you solve it?). I know you're busy, but please help when you have time. Much appreciate! 😄

I've tried on two different operating systems. Make sure your environment was built on Linux, cause on Windows even the same environment may have weired mistake. And here's my environment's requirements: cachetools (4.2.1) certifi (2021.5.30) colorama (0.4.5) cycler (0.11.0) drain3 (0.9.10) importlib-metadata (4.8.3) importlib-resources (5.4.0) jsonpickle (1.5.1) kiwisolver (1.3.1) matplotlib (3.3.4) more-itertools (8.12.0) numpy (1.19.5) Orange3-Associate (1.1.0) pandas (0.23.4) Pillow (8.4.0) pip (9.0.1) psutil (5.9.0) pyfpgrowth (1.0) pyparsing (3.1.1) python-dateutil (2.8.2) pytz (2023.3.post1) PyYAML (6.0) scipy (1.5.4) setuptools (58.0.4) six (1.16.0) spmf (1.4) tqdm (4.64.1) treelib (1.7.0) typing-extensions (4.1.1) wheel (0.37.1) wincertstore (0.2) zipp (3.6.0) Notice that the Orange3-Associate was not the same version which "requirements.txt" required. I hope this will help you. Amen.

phamquiluan commented 8 months ago

Thank you so much for your help @yuxiaoba :D

I'm able to reproduce it using python3.6