IntelligentRoboticsLabs / gb_visual_detection_3d

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cannot launch node of type [darknet_ros_3d/darknet3d_node]: Cannot locate node of type [darknet3d_node] in package [darknet_ros_3d]. #49

Open ghokulji opened 3 years ago

ghokulji commented 3 years ago


I have cloned the melodic branch of the darknet_ros_3d to my aws_robomaker environment. I ran colcon build and the build was successful. When I run the darknet_ros_3d.launch I am facing this error.

3dros png

ERROR: cannot launch node of type [darknet_ros_3d/darknet3d_node]: Cannot locate node of type [darknet3d_node] in package [darknet_ros_3d]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x)

I have tried the following approaches

I sourced my workspace with "source install/" after colcon build. Apart from the darknet_ros_3d.launch, all other nodes are able to be launched. II also tried to run the node separately, but it seems like the executable cannot be found. I got this error

[rosrun]` Couldn't find executable named darknet3d_node below /home/ubuntu/environment/aws_robomaker_hotbot/robot_ws/install/darknet_ros_3d/share/darknet_ros_3d

So, I thought the error must be with the CMakeLists.txt. But everything seems to be fine

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION` 2.8.3)


set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE RelWithDebInfo)

add_compile_options(-std=c++11) find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS roscpp darknet_ros_msgs gb_visual_detection_3d_msgs sensor_msgs tf2_ros tf2_geometry_msgs pcl_ros pcl_conversions roslint )


include_directories( include ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS} )

add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} src/darknet_ros_3d/Darknet3D.cpp src/darknet_ros_3d/Darknet3DListener.cpp src/darknet3d_node.cpp )

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${catkin_LIBRARIES})

add_executable(darknet3d_node src/darknet3d_node.cpp) target_link_libraries(darknet3d_node ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ${PROJECT_NAME})

add_executable(darknet3d_listener_node test/darknet3d_listener_node.cpp) target_link_libraries(darknet3d_listener_node ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ${PROJECT_NAME})

roslint_cpp( src/darknet_ros_3d/Darknet3D.cpp include/darknet_ros_3d/Darknet3D.h src/darknet_ros_3d/Darknet3DListener.cpp include/darknet_ros_3d/Darknet3DListener.h src/darknet3d_node.cpp )




Can anyone help me out, as to why the executable is not found and why the build is not done properly?

fgonzalezr1998 commented 3 years ago

Hi @ghokulji Did you compile the ROS package using colcon? You should do it using catkin_make. It may be the problem because in ROS1 you don't need to install the executables as ROS2 needs.

ghokulji commented 3 years ago

Hello @fgonzalezr1998 , the aws robomaker environment uses only colcon build to build the ROS1 packages also. During the build process, I am not facing any errors, it is only when executing the node. I have tested the normal darkent_ros melodic and I built it using colcon build and it worked fine. To extract the depth of the detected object, I thought of using darknet_ros_3d.

Can you recommend any changes that can be done to the CMakeLists.txt so that the build process creates an executable when using colcon build?

fgonzalezr1998 commented 3 years ago

Okey, so... The problem is that the executable darknet3d_node is not being installed. If you look the CMakeLists, you will see that the library and the launch file is being installed but not the executable. That is the error and this is the reason by it is not found. When I did this package I used catkin to compile and catkin doesn't need that.

If you solve this mistake, feel free to open a PR and I can put it in a new branch for other people that need it ;)

ghokulji commented 3 years ago

@fgonzalezr1998, Thanks for the suggestion, I will try to add the install for the executables in CMakeLists.txt and see if it works out.

AbbiliKiran commented 1 year ago

I need help resolving the following.ERROR: cannot launch node of type [darknet_ros/darknet_ros]: Cannot locate node of type [darknet_ros] in package [darknet_ros]. Make sure the file exists in the package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x).

fgonzalezr1998 commented 1 year ago

Could you provide me more information? branch, steps you are following for launching the node, etc @AbbiliKiran