IntelligenzaArtificiale / Free-Auto-GPT

Free Auto GPT with NO paids API is a repository that offers a simple version of Auto GPT, an autonomous AI agent capable of performing tasks independently. Unlike other versions, our implementation does not rely on any paid OpenAI API, making it accessible to anyone.
MIT License
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How to fix all your installing/importing errors #166

Open Tachunkers opened 10 months ago

Tachunkers commented 10 months ago

To get started you are going to want to download anaconda for faiss, to do that I would recommend watching a yt video or just use the thing on there website at

now that we have that out of the way lets show you how to fix all the errors with installing.

all you have to do is just pip install then the name of your error so if you cant find Bard then you would do pip install GoogleBard

sometimes the name wont be correct and if that is the case then just look it open on google and you will most likely see a website called which will you give the right command

if you have any other issues then make a comment on this and I will try my best to help you

omidcrfx commented 10 months ago

Hi I was installing requirements and I faced this and stopped Downloading torch-2.0.1-cp38-cp38-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (619.9 MB) |████████████████████████████████| 619.9 MB 91 kB/s eta 0:00:01Killed

Tachunkers commented 10 months ago

Hi I was installing requirements and I faced this and stopped Downloading torch-2.0.1-cp38-cp38-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (619.9 MB) |████████████████████████████████| 619.9 MB 91 kB/s eta 0:00:01Killed

try using conda instead of pip