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[Humanitarian Updates] Migrate projects currently classified with ‘humanitarian’ as a sector to the new humanitarian boolean attribute/flag #63

Open btornes opened 6 years ago

btornes commented 6 years ago

i.e. set to TRUE for all ‘humanitarian’ activities

btornes commented 6 years ago

@RBFraxinus I think we need a little more information here. Under the new setup, projects with the Humanitarian Boolean Flag set to TRUE will also need to have additional information added to the project (the 6 fields that are a part of the Humanitarian Scope), correct? If so, will migrating the projects currently classified with 'humanitarian' as a sector result in incomplete projects? Let me know if this question isn't making sense.

RBFraxinus commented 6 years ago


So there's 2 related but separate groupings of fields for adding humanitarian data:

1) the new 'humanitarian' boolean attribute for a project 2) the new attributes for the new HumanitarianScope model that will associate to a project

when migrating the existing humanitarian aid sector projects, you only need to set #1 - the boolean attribute -- to true.

1 does not require #2 if true. It is optional to provide scope information, BUT if scope information is added to a project, the minimum required fields must be added:

-- humanitarian_scope.code -- humanitarian_scope.vocabulary -- humanitarian_scope.type

the other scope fields are optional.

A UI question is how to present this to the user. #1 is the minimum required to mark a project as humanitarian. Addition of a humanitarian scope implies that #1 is true, so it may make sense to hide the ability to add scope info unless the humanitarian attribute is set to true. Or, if it's all shown, then adding the required scope info could automatically set the humanitarian attri bute (#1) to true....

So, if i understood your question, simply marking all projects having hum. aid as sector with the new humanitarian attribute = true will not result in incomplete projects. They will all have no scopes to start with, but as described above, the scope is optional.

btornes commented 6 years ago

@RBFraxinus This should be done once everything is on production.